If you are in the above class, use this thread to comment on student photos..."> If you are in the above class, use this thread to comment on student photos..."/>

BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Peak

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Peak
Jim Peak's Gallery

Outstanding Photography System: Peer Feedback 2017

This is a forum for students of the "Outstanding Photography System 2017".

If you are in the above class, use this thread to comment on student photos.

Here are instructions:

1) Sign into BetterPhoto and upload a photo there if you haven’t already done so.

2) Once uploaded, get the ID# for your photo. To determine your PhotoID, go to the icon in the upper left that looks like pancakes or a hamburger, click My Photos > Manage/Enter. The PhotoID is below the number. Copy this number.

3) Come back to the QnA thread and click “Respond” at the bottom of the page.

4) Enter a description or specific questions or details and then click the “Select” button below the text input box, choosing “1.” Toggle on “Notify” box if you wish to be notified. Click “Submit.”

5) On the right-hand side of the Image Uploader, you’ll see an input box for the PhotoID. Type in this number and then click the “Submit your Photo” button.

That’s how you use the "Photo ID" method to pull an existing image into your reply in the QnA thread.

Enjoy commenting on each others' photos!

And enjoy becoming an even better photographer!


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June 13, 2017


Ying Zhou

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June 14, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery

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June 15, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery

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June 15, 2017

BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Peak

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Peak
Jim Peak's Gallery
  Happy Cold Me
Happy Cold Me

Jim Peak

Hi guys,

You want to put that number in the PhotoID field when you are responding.

So type in your answer or comments (like I am doing now)...

Then choose the number of photos you want to share (in the Upload Image Option) below this text entry box. I will select "1" now to demonstrate.

Then on the subsequent page, I will enter an example photoID...

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June 16, 2017


Bett Cox
I chose Inner Space for my Module 1 category. Would appreciate feedback on my photos.

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June 17, 2017


Bett Cox
I chose Inner Space for my Module 1 category. Would appreciate feedback on my photos. Thx.

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June 17, 2017


Bett Cox
  Fairy Lights
Fairy Lights

Bett Cox

I chose Inner Space for my Module 1 category. Would appreciate feedback on my photos. Thx.

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June 17, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
I am submitting a few photos I took as the assignment for Module 1. They are in the Sea and Land category. I hope I do this correctly this time.

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June 17, 2017


Bett Cox
Another two photos for my Inner Space category.

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June 17, 2017


Bett Cox
  New Day
New Day

Bett Cox

Inner Space category.

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June 17, 2017


Bett Cox
  Inner Space Category #3

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June 17, 2017


Bett Cox
  Pastel Beauty
Pastel Beauty

Bett Cox

Inner Space #3

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June 17, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
  Sailing in Long BeachNY.JPG
Sailing in Long BeachNY.JPG

Susan Eginton

  Ferry Arrival
Ferry Arrival
Port Jefferson, Long Island, NY
8 aperture, 1/640 shutter speed. ISO 100

Susan Eginton

  Surf and shadow
Surf and shadow
Long Beach, Long Island, NY
aperture 5.6, shutter 500. ISO 200

Susan Eginton

Sorry I have had trouble understanding how to submit photos on this thread - would delete unnecessary comments if I knew how! I will try once more to submit a couple of photos for Sea and Land category taken with a 70-300 telephoto zoom lens.

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June 17, 2017


Bett Cox
  Hi Susan - I too am having problems uploading. I eventually uploaded one at a time. I put in Photo title, filled in description box, then on the right had side I entered the photo ID# in the appropriate box.

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June 17, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
  Thanks. I finally uploaded a few photos, but had to do it as if I had no photo ID. Doing one at a time seems the only other option.

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June 17, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
  Sailboat Long Beach.JPG
Sailboat Long Beach.JPG

Susan Eginton

One more photo for Sea and Land - similar to first one , but I think it is sharper in the foreground.

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June 17, 2017


Connie S. Bingham



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June 17, 2017


Toni Pratt
Submitting (3) photographs for assignment:


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June 18, 2017


Toni Pratt
Submitting three (3) photographs for assignment:


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June 18, 2017


Toni Pratt
Submitting three (3) photographs for assignment:

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June 18, 2017


JoPatrice B. Aubrey

JoPatrice B. Aubrey

I used a shallow depth of field but is the background too much out of focus?

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June 18, 2017


Ying Zhou
  3 more photos since I just went to Chicago this weekend


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June 19, 2017


Bett Cox
  Ying, Connie and Toni - would love to see your photos but not sure how to upload for viewing. Any ideas.

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June 19, 2017


David A. Smith
  PhotoID: 15384012

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June 19, 2017


David A. Smith
  PhotoID: 15384011

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June 19, 2017


Toni Pratt
  Hi, Bett. I am unable to "Add my Camera" to upload my photos. Waiting for a response from BPsupport. My page is an older version, however, I'm not sure on how to refresh to get a newer version to add my camera. Will continue to look for answers until issue is resolved. Thanks for your comment.

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June 19, 2017


Candace Walker
Butlers Barracks is a National Historic Site in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada. Mid-1800's buildings.

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June 19, 2017


Candace Walker
Butlers Barracks is a National Historic Site in Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON, Canada. Early 1800's.

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June 19, 2017


JoPatrice B. Aubrey
  Boston College door
Boston College door

JoPatrice B. Aubrey

On the campus of Boston College

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June 20, 2017


JoPatrice B. Aubrey
  Foggy morning in the Bluegrass
Foggy morning in the Bluegrass

JoPatrice B. Aubrey

Calumet Farm

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June 20, 2017


Bett Cox
  Hi JoPatrice - love your two new photos. The contrast between the two - the door is very striking and the bluegrass is so serene. Beautiful work.
Enjoy your day! Bett

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June 20, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
I'm requesting feedback on the first assignment. Here are my three photo ids: 15385182, 15385183, and 15385184. Based on the instructions, it looks like I'll be able to enter those numbers on the window displayed after I hit the submit button and those images will become visible and open for feedback on this thread. Hope this works!!

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June 21, 2017


Joseph K. Merton

BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick  

Joseph K. Merton

I'm requesting feedback on the first assignment. Here are my three photo ids: 15385182, 15385183, and 15385184. Based on the instructions, it looks like I'll be able to enter those numbers on the window displayed after I hit the submit button and those images will become visible and open for feedback on this thread. Hope this works!!

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June 21, 2017


Joseph K. Merton

Joseph K. Merton

Requesting feedback. Since I previously uploaded three photos and got photo IDs, I tried to enter them using window displayed by below submit button but the form only allows entry of one photo id eventhough I selected three to be entered. Since it does allow me to enter one photo id, I'll use that approach. This is my second of three photos.

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June 21, 2017


Joseph K. Merton

BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick  

Joseph K. Merton

Requesting feedback. Since I previously uploaded three photos and got photo IDs, I tried to enter them using window displayed by below submit button but the form only allows entry of one photo id eventhough I selected three to be entered. Since it does allow me to enter one photo id, I'll use that approach. This is my third of three photos.

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June 21, 2017


Toni Pratt

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June 21, 2017


Toni Pratt
Captured image with my Canon EOS Rebel SL1 camera and Tamron 60 mm f/2 Macro 1:1 lens for details of this firefly trailing on a leaf.

Toni Pratt


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June 21, 2017


Toni Pratt
Shot image with my Canon EOS Rebel SL1 camera and Canon Zoom lens EF 75-300 mm lens to capture a closer photo of these geese.

Toni Pratt


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June 21, 2017


Toni Pratt

BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick  
A Lazy Daisy Day
A Lazy Daisy Day
Shot photograph with my Canon EOS Rebel SL1 camera and Tamron 60 mm f/2 Macro 1:1 lens for blurring/detail impressions of this image.

Toni Pratt


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June 21, 2017


David A. Smith

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June 21, 2017


Toni Pratt
Hi, Joseph. I think all of your photographs are very, very nice. I especially favor the first one. The images and colors in this particular photograph are beautifully displayed.

I was having difficulties in uploading my images for this assignment. Inputting one Photo ID# in the box, although I had three (3) photographs to upload, allowed my uploading issue to be resolved. Thanks, Joseph. You helped me to better understand what I needed to do.

FYI: Both sets of my Photo ID #s are the same three (3) photographs.

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June 21, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
  Hi Toni,

Your firefly image along with the title is very powerful. The stark, nearly black and white background perfectly complement your subject's journey. Focusing is always a problem, especially at macro level and especially if your subject is moving. I often find that in the excitement of the moment, I don't see that I've failed to achieve critical focus. I also notice my camera sometimes doesn't focus where I want it to. At that point I go to Youtube and review the videos on how my camera focuses. I often give up trying to guess how the camera focuses and just do it manually!


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June 21, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
Appreciate Feedback

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June 21, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
   DSC8516 Eye of the Needle
DSC8516 Eye of the Needle
AP; Daylight WB; 16mm
This is a landmark missed by many on Needles Highway...you are surrounded by beautiful rock formations and don't see the "Eye of the Needle"

Carolynn J. Costar

Appreciate feedback

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June 21, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
   DSC8642 Near and Far
DSC8642 Near and Far
AP; Daylight WB 220mm. This was taken in Bear Country. You have a chance to photograph animals in their natural environment

Carolynn J. Costar

Appreciate Feedback

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June 21, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
   DSC9211 Peek a Boo; Cute as a button
DSC9211 Peek a Boo; Cute as a button
AP; Daylight WB; 300mm. I was not happy with my buffalo pictures...they are all shedding this time of year so I focused on the calves. I have a very patient husband...there was a barbed wire fence separating us from the parents and these little ones. Not the safest...but I finally got one to partially raise his head

Carolynn J. Costar

Appreciate Feedback

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June 21, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
   DSC9337 Beauty in the Field; Near and Far
DSC9337 Beauty in the Field; Near and Far
AP; Daylight WB; 200mm; One of my favorite shots. Liked the Shallow DOF with the milk weed and front grasses in focus and the background blurred

Carolynn J. Costar

Appreciate Feedback

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June 21, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
   DSC9258 Bear Butte
DSC9258 Bear Butte
AP; Daylight WB; 44mm. Tried to follow the line of the fence.

Carolynn J. Costar

Appreciate Feedback

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June 21, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
   DSC9343 Iconic Barn
DSC9343 Iconic Barn
AP; Daylight WB; 86mm; ?Near and Far. This is my favorite barn. I have it photographed in different seasons. It just sits in the middle of the field waiting for someone like me to experiment:)

Carolynn J. Costar

Appreciate Feedback

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June 21, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
   DSC9473 Roughlock Falls
DSC9473 Roughlock Falls
AP; Daylight WB; 16mm; Roughlock Falls....I experimented with different F Stops to slow the water.

Carolynn J. Costar

Appreciate Feedback

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June 21, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
   DSC9679 Tunnel Vision  The Moment
DSC9679 Tunnel Vision The Moment
AP; Used Cloudy WB...it was a very overcast day; 300mm. This could be the moment or I don't know if there is a reverse silhouette. I was in a tunnel doing this hand held.

Carolynn J. Costar

Appreciate Feedback

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June 21, 2017


Ying Zhou
Hi Guys sorry I tried several times to post photos. and it seems like I need to use the traditional way to upload photos.

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June 22, 2017


Ying Zhou

BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick  

Ying Zhou

Hi Guys sorry I tried several times to post photos. and it seems like I need to use the traditional way to upload photos.

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June 22, 2017


Ying Zhou

BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick  

Ying Zhou

Sorry I'm just re uploading my photos. Feedback welcomed!

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June 22, 2017


Ying Zhou

BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick  

Ying Zhou


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June 22, 2017


Ying Zhou

BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick  

Ying Zhou

This is the last one I have

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June 22, 2017


Bett Cox
  Hi Carolynn - in answer to your question - I shot this photo in my make shift studio in my garage. I used a piece of black materiel for the backdrop and for my lighting I used reflector lamps from Home Depot with daylight 5000K bulbs. Bett

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June 22, 2017


Bett Cox
  Hi Ying - all I have to say is - it was worth the wait to see your photos. Incredible work. I love them all. Bett

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June 22, 2017


Candace Walker
Not only learning photography, but also uploading photos. Trying again.

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June 22, 2017


Toni Pratt
Hi, Ying - Your photographs are stunning, especially the Stairs.

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June 23, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar

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June 24, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
I had a horrible time also figuring out how to upload. First download them to better photo.com. THEN go to this page and Hit respond on the bottom of this page; then type in something in the text box; then below the text box is the word "select"...click on it and choose 1 and then click on submit. This takes you to the page where you can upload. The box on the verrrrrrrrrrry far right is where you have to manually enter the # assigned to your photo...it did not let me copy and paste. Then you can fill in the info about your photo. Seems there should be an easier process but that is how I got mine in.

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June 24, 2017


Hilding Spradlin
1st assignment photos (2)

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June 25, 2017


Hilding Spradlin
(OK - Once Again)

1st Assignment Photos (2)

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June 25, 2017


Hilding Spradlin
(OK - Once Again)

1st Assignment Photos (2)

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June 25, 2017


Hilding Spradlin
OK - having difficulty with thread photo upload

Photo 1: Slick Rock Ride (Photo ID 15388243). f/6.3 1/15s, ISO 64, clear skies, early morning. Mountain biker traversing slick rock sandstone through pinyon pine/juniper stands in western Colorado.

Photo 2: Geese (Photo ID 15388273). Study in motion. f/10, 1/80s, ISO 200. Early morning, clear skies, northern California.

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June 25, 2017


Toni Pratt
I am unable to start Module 2. I looked in my Profile under Courses - Am I in the right place? Sent emails - still waiting for a response.

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June 26, 2017


Hilding Spradlin
  Hi Toni,

Have you heard back from BPsupport or otherwise figured out where module 2 is located. I have the same issue and have also tried to get an answer.

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June 27, 2017


Hilding Spradlin
Hi Toni,

Have you heard back from BPsupport or otherwise figured out where module 2 is located. I have the same issue and have also tried to get an answer.

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June 27, 2017


Hilding Spradlin
  Hi Toni,

I also have not been able to find Module 2. I have sent an email and heard nothing back. Has bpsupport gotten back with you or have you otherwise stumbled into the module?

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June 27, 2017


Bett Cox
  Hi Toni - go to www.betterphoto.biz/products/the-outstanding-photograpy-system-2017. It will then ask for your user name and password. The password is the one Better Photo gave us for this particular course. That is how I did it and then when it asked to save password I answered yes then bookmarked the page so I don't have to search for it all the time.

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June 27, 2017


Hilding Spradlin
1st Assignment Photos (2)

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June 28, 2017


Hilding Spradlin
1st Assignment Photos (2)

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June 28, 2017


Toni Pratt
  Hi, Hilding - I've not received any response from bpsupport. Bett was so kind to forward instructions as to how to get into Module 2.

Hi, Bett - Thank you so much for the information. I will follow the instructions you've provided. Like, Hilding, I've not received any response from bpsupport regarding my email.

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June 29, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
  Does anyone know when the 2nd assignment photos are due? Thanks

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June 29, 2017


Ying Zhou

BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick  

Ying Zhou

Hi Guys, not sure this is the time for second assignment, but I just went to Oregon and I would like some feedback on the landscape photos I took during the trip

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July 05, 2017


Ying Zhou

BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick  
Oneonta Gorge
Oneonta Gorge

Ying Zhou

Second One

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July 05, 2017


Maria Pappano

BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick  
queen anne's lace 1
queen anne's lace 1

Maria Pappano


BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick  
queen anne's lace 2
queen anne's lace 2

Maria Pappano

  queen anne's lace 3
queen anne's lace 3

Maria Pappano


BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick  
queen anne's lace 4
queen anne's lace 4

Maria Pappano


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July 07, 2017


Bett Cox
Module 2 assignment

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July 08, 2017


Bett Cox
Module 2 assignment

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July 08, 2017


Bett Cox
  The Winner Is...
The Winner Is...
Three kayaker's racing across Departure Bay.

Bett Cox

Module 2 assignment - Panning and Power of Focus

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July 08, 2017


Bett Cox
  Dancing In The Rain
Dancing In The Rain
Shot early in the morning in Bowen Park. Used a slow shutter speed of 1/6 sec. to slow the droplets down. Did my photo editing in Lightroom.

Bett Cox

Module 2 Assignment - Panning and Power Focus

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July 08, 2017


Bett Cox
  As The River Flows
As The River Flows
Experimenting with slow shutter speed to soften the flow of the rushing water.

Bett Cox

Module 2 Assignment - Panning and Power Focus

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July 08, 2017


Toni Pratt
  Bett -Your "As The River Flows" photograph is beautiful. I adore how you've captured the softness of the flowing water.

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July 09, 2017


JoPatrice B. Aubrey
  The winner
The winner

JoPatrice B. Aubrey

Module 2 -- Panning
A day of racing at Churchill Downs

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July 09, 2017


JoPatrice B. Aubrey
  Arboretum bush
Arboretum bush

JoPatrice B. Aubrey

Module 2 -- turning the zoom lens while pressing the shutter button

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July 09, 2017


JoPatrice B. Aubrey
  Olivers Tail
Olivers Tail

JoPatrice B. Aubrey

Module 2 -- power focus

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July 09, 2017


JoPatrice B. Aubrey
  Getting ready to compete
Getting ready to compete

JoPatrice B. Aubrey

Module 2 -- power focus

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July 09, 2017


Toni Pratt
  JoPatrice - Your photographs are gorgeous!

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July 09, 2017


Toni Pratt
  Bursting In Air
Bursting In Air

Toni Pratt


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July 09, 2017


Toni Pratt

Toni Pratt

15421034 -Module 2 - Power Focus

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July 09, 2017


Toni Pratt
  This Day
This Day

Toni Pratt

15421037-Module 2 Power Focus

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July 09, 2017


Toni Pratt
  Fire In The Sky
Fire In The Sky

Toni Pratt

15421050 - Module 2 -Freezing Action

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July 09, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
This is an example of Extreme Blur that Jim talked about.

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July 10, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
   DSC0869 7
DSC0869 7
50mm Prime Lens, Daylight white balance.
This was my power focus shot on the 4th of July. I pre-visualized my husband's dog tag in front of a flag...took me a while to achieve the DOF I wanted.

Carolynn J. Costar

Whoops...This was my Power Shot. I pre-visualized my husband's dog tags in front of the American flag on the 4th of July. It took me a while to get the DOF I was looking for.

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July 10, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
   DSC1197 1
DSC1197 1
50mm Prime lens; Daylight White balance.
I obviously went for Jim's extreme blur...not intentional but I was sick of getting crazy looks shooting cars and motorcycles.

Carolynn J. Costar

This is an example of EXTREME blur that Jim talked about. I did not enjoy the panning assignment:)

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July 10, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
Power focus shot: 300mm Focal length; Cloudy white balance...it was raining. I tried to keep the leaves a bit in focus to provide some depth

Carolynn J. Costar

This is a second Power Shot. I experimented with the leaves in the background...increasing and decreasing the DOF.

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July 10, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
  Pure Joy
Pure Joy
More successful attempt at Panning. You can see the subtle blur in her hands and hair as I shot her running

Carolynn J. Costar

I call this one pure Joy. My latest attempt at panning. You can see the subtle blur in her hair and hands as I shot her running

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July 13, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
  Color Burst
Color Burst
Zoomed lens in and out as I took this photo to achieve this effect.

Susan Eginton

Module 2 assignment - tried out the technique of zooming lens in and out as I took the photo of a flower.

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July 13, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
Module 2 assignment - flower in focus with soft background

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July 13, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery

BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick  
Summer Flower
Summer Flower

Susan Eginton

Took this photo of flower with 5.6 aperture to have soft background. Shutter speed was 1/250, ISO 100.

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July 13, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
Module 2 assignment - photo is of a sculpture depicting a fallen soldier and flag in background at halfmast . I attempted to keep the flag soft but recognizable as part of the photo's story. Aperture 8, shutter speed 1/400, ISO 100.

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July 13, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
  JoPatrice - love your panning photo - looks great!

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July 13, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
  JoPatrice - love your panning photo - looks great!

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July 13, 2017


Ying Zhou
My 1st photo for Module 3. I used BRK mode in my camera, EV+-2 for 3 photos and then I combined these three photos for HRD photo. I also attached the normal photo. You can see the difference.

Will upload more since I'm traveling again this weekend.

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July 21, 2017


Ying Zhou
Normal photo was taken at F8, shutter 1/200, ISO100. I use Sony a7r2, Zeiss FE 4.0 16-35 mm lens

Ying Zhou

Normal photo was taken at F8, shutter 1/200, ISO100. I use Sony a7r2, Zeiss FE 4.0 16-35 mm lens

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July 21, 2017


Henri Weyrich
  Fire on the rooftops
Fire on the rooftops

Henri Weyrich

I previsualized something dramatic when I shot it, but needed to use some (very limited) post in order to emphasize the result. wanted to share this idea.

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July 25, 2017


Toni Pratt
  Henri -"Fire On The Rooftops" photograph is very dramatic, indeed. Extremely creative and beautiful to look at. Good job!

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July 25, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar

Carolynn J. Costar


BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick  
With HDR
With HDR

Carolynn J. Costar

Utilizing HDR

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July 26, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar

BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick  
Final Result
Final Result
Utilized Bracketing with +1 and -1 and then converted in HDR

Carolynn J. Costar

  -1 EV Compensation
-1 EV Compensation
AP, 1/60, F20, ISO 250, 44 mm

Carolynn J. Costar


BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick  
+1 EV Compensation
+1 EV Compensation
AP, 1/15, F20, ISO 250, 44mm

Carolynn J. Costar

EV Compensation and HDR

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July 26, 2017


Bett Cox
Module #3 Assignment

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July 28, 2017


Bett Cox
Module #3 Assignment

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July 28, 2017


Toni Pratt
  Tree House
Tree House
Photographed in RAW/Manual mode/Canon EF-S18-55 lens/changed the EV to +2.0 in Photomatix Pro 6

Toni Pratt

Module 3 - 1/16 sec. f/5.7 ISO 100 changed EV to +2 in Photomatatix Pro 6 (2 photographs with same shutter speed)

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August 01, 2017


Toni Pratt
  Tree House
Tree House
Photographed in RAW/Manual mode/Canon EF-S18-55 lens

Toni Pratt

Module 3 - 1/16 sec f/5.7 IS0 100

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August 01, 2017


Toni Pratt
  Tree House
Tree House
Photographed in RAW/Manual mode/Canon EF-S18-55 lens

Toni Pratt

Module 3 - 1/42 sec f/5.7 ISO 100 EV -2.0

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August 01, 2017


Toni Pratt
  Tree House
Tree House
HDR version of photographs/Photographed in RAW/Manual mode/Canon EF-S18-55 lens

Toni Pratt

Module 3 - HDR photograph

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August 01, 2017


Joseph K. Merton

Joseph K. Merton

Got Junk?
I've fallen behind and will catch up over the next two weeks. Any feedback/suggestions is appreciated.

Trying to get a decent pan, this is the best of hundreds of attempts. Best results came from using tracking focus, selecting a target when it was roughly 45 degrees away from being directly in front of me, pressing the shutter release as soon as the camera locked onto the target and trying to keep the subject in the center of the frame as the subject drove by with the camera shooting a burst of five to ten exposures. Not entirely satisfied with result but I need to get to other assignments. Glad this wasn't done with film!

Panasonic DMC Lumix FZ1000, 1/60 @ f/4.5, ISO 100, 66mm (ff equiv)

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August 01, 2017


Joseph K. Merton

Joseph K. Merton

Friday Night

Focused on flowers and left rooftop restaurant lights blurred with enough detail to set the scene. This is a new technique for me and will go into my composition toolkit next to the rule of thirds!

Panasonic DMC Lumix FZ1000, 1.s sec @ f/4.0, ISO 100, 203mm (ff equiv)

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August 01, 2017


Joseph K. Merton

Joseph K. Merton

Daylilies at Sunset

Focused on flowers with sufficient detail of house & flag to set the scene and hopefully, mood.

Panasonic DMC Lumix FZ1000, 1/400 s sec @ f/4.0, ISO 100, 394mm (ff equiv)

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August 01, 2017


Bett Cox
Module #3 Assignment - original over exposed photo of fence.

Bett Cox

Module 3

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August 02, 2017


Bett Cox
  Module 3

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August 02, 2017


Bett Cox
  Module 3 HDR

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August 02, 2017


Bett Cox
  I am frustrated with downloading to this page and am giving up on trying. Downloading to this page sometime works and sometimes it doesn't. As you can see by my threads it let me download one photo only then just went to a blank pages. We shouldn't have to go through so many steps to download our photos and we shouldn't have to go through all the past entries to finally get to the new submissions.

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August 02, 2017


Toni Pratt
  Hi, Bett. I absolutely agree with you. Early on I was having the same issue with downloading my photographs. Joseph helped me to understand by selecting one Photo ID at a time, at that point, I was able to download each photograph. There were times when I felt like "throwing in the towel" because I was so frustrated with the tedious task of trying to get through a process that should not be so difficult. However, you and Joseph helped me to better understand, and now I'm getting ready to listen to the videos in Module 4. I would love to see the completion of your hard work from Module 3. The strong always overcome - no matter the obstacle at hand!

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August 02, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
Module 3 assignments - my first time shooting in RAW.

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August 05, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
  Climbing Ivy post processing
Climbing Ivy post processing

Susan Eginton

Edited version of 1st photo
Enhanced for color, clarity, light

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August 05, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
"Before" photo shot RAW

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August 05, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
  Cacti garden post processing
Cacti garden post processing

Susan Eginton

Post processed photo of cacti

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August 05, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
  Bett - the easiest way to upload on this thread is by first uploading to the Betterphoto site, jotting down the id#s of the photos you want to submit, and uploading them one at a time. But I agree that so much scrolling down is tedious, and it would be better if we could see the most recent photos submitted at the top.

Another problem you may have encountered is that if your photos are over 2.7 MB, they cannot be uploaded. I had to crop my photos in order to submit them this time. I could not upload anything in RAW form either. I had to convert it to JPEG to upload. I would have liked to submit different photos than I did, but I didn't know how to resize them without cropping parts I really didn't want to take out. If anyone knows how to resize, would appreciate the help.

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August 05, 2017


Bett Cox
  Thanks for your replies Susan and Toni. I had downloaded to Better Photo and got id#'s but I could only submit one photo. When I went to submit the HDR version it wouldn't let me add my photo ID# only me comment. I tried several times and gave up. I will try one more time.

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August 05, 2017


Bett Cox
  Module 3 Old Fence HDR Version

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August 05, 2017


Bett Cox
Module #3 Assignment - HDR version of fence

Bett Cox

Last attempt.

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August 05, 2017


Bett Cox
Module #3 Assignment - original photo of lake

Bett Cox

Module 3

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August 05, 2017


Bett Cox
Module #3 Assignment - HDR version photo of lake

Bett Cox

Module 3 HDR

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August 05, 2017


Bett Cox
  Okay so now I had success. Did nothing different. Must be a bug in this program.

I would like to pass on that I just download a new processing program - Topaz Studio. At the moment it is free. It works as a stand alone or as a plug-in with Lightroom, Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. Both my HDR versions were done in Topaz and I think it is worth checking out especially as it is free. Topaz also has non-free plug-ins as well that are quite amazing.

I also want to pass on a great photography site - Anne McKinnell. She has a great site you can join for free and get free tips; newsletters and advise plus her photography is extremely inspiring. I took her Lightroom for beginners course and I learned more from her than I have from the expensive book I bought.

Sorry for the babble, but I wanted to pass on stuff you may be interested in. Enjoy your day.

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August 05, 2017


Carolynn J. Costar
  Thanks for not giving up Bett. That HDR photo of the lake is awesome. The sky makes such a difference and I appreciate tips from everyone so please keep sharing. I will have to try Topaz. I do like the simple version of Photomatix. It really enhanced some of my landscape photos. Now I know how some people get the colors, drama, etc in the photos on websites.

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August 05, 2017


Toni Pratt
  Hi, Bett. Your HDR photograph of the lake is splendid. Thanks for the tips.

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August 05, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
  Very nice work on the lake photo!
Glad you had success submitting it.
Thanks for info on Topaz.

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August 05, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
  The Shadow Knows!
The Shadow Knows!
At the far edge of the park behind the Wheaton public library. Taken after midnight to minimize lights from passing traffic and people wandering through the scene. 15 seconds at f/22, focal length 25mm. Aperture & focal length are 35 mm full frame equivalents. Forgot to correct white balance for orange light give off by sodium vapor street lights!

Joseph K. Merton

Module 3 without HDR
Adding one of two "shadow" images, not sure if I'm initiating a new thread or not. If not apologies for any confusion. I noticed my shadow in the image when shooting the series for HDR. I was going to take it out but decided to leave it in.

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August 06, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
  The Shadow Knows HDR!
The Shadow Knows HDR!
Used HDR Efex Pro to combine series of five shots. This produced more detail and brightness in the depth of the scene. The tool creates a Tiff file in the same directory as the originals and inserts it into the LR catalog. Unfortunately, Lightroom treats it as a previous import and won't display it. This caused a few duhh moments until I figured out what was going on. I deleted two other HDR scenes before I understood what was happening. As our President says, SAD! Lightroom has its own HDR tool which avoids this problem but doesn't have the controls HDR Efex Pro has and the results aren't as good.

Joseph K. Merton

Module 3 with HDR

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August 06, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
  Behind the Library
Behind the Library
ISO 400, 3.2 sec, f/8.0, 30.5 mm (35mm full frame equivalents). Adjusted color balance using white hankie draped over lens.

Joseph K. Merton

Module 2 2nd submission - without HDR

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August 06, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
  After Midnight Behind the Library - HDR
After Midnight Behind the Library - HDR
The HDR tool does a good job of bringing out detail throughout the depth of the scene.

Joseph K. Merton

Module 2 2nd submission - with HDR

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August 06, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
  Behind the Library
Behind the Library
Used Lightroom to extend dynamic range without an HDR tool. Actually, Lightroom can't extend dynamic range (DR) but it does a good job of taking advantage of the DR captured by your camera - assuming you shoot RAW. Slide film had a DR of 3, print film had a DR of 5. My Panasonic FZ1000 with a 1 inch sensor has a DR of 7 - the same as my full frame Canon 5D Mk II. The Sony A7R2 has a DR of 9! In order to produce the HDR image, I made five exposures covering five f stops. Since my camera has a DR of 7 stops, I was able to pretty much replicate the HDR version using the base image. In the future, I'll only use an HDR tool for scenes with a DR > 7 or if I want to use some of the pretty cool artistic filters.

Joseph K. Merton

Module 2 2nd submission - with HDR-like Edits

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August 06, 2017


Toni Pratt
  Hi, Joseph. The way you photograph buildings are definitely on point. You are an incredible photographer. I knew this from the first photographs you submitted. Keep up the wonderful work, and keep learning. Congrats on your " Editor's Pick", pictures. Your HDR photos are very good!

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August 06, 2017

- Beth OMeara

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Beth OMeara
Beth OMeara's Gallery
Module One
Sea and Land

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August 07, 2017

- Beth OMeara

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Beth OMeara
Beth OMeara's Gallery
Yaquina Bay - Newport, Oregon. - Module One Assignment - Land and Sea

Beth OMeara

  Owyhee Mountains, Oregon
Owyhee Mountains, Oregon
The Owyhees near sunset. - Module One Assignment - Land and Sea

Beth OMeara

  Paulina Falls
Paulina Falls
Paulina Creek Falls in Newberry National Volcanic Monument, Deschutes County Oregon.

Module One Assignment - Land and Sea

Beth OMeara

Module One
Sea and Land

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August 07, 2017

- Beth OMeara

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Beth OMeara
Beth OMeara's Gallery
  Okay, pretty sure I messed up on uploading the photos, but they did upload even though I seem to have 2 different versions of the same photo - the regular one and the one in the forum. (Sorry about that BetterPhoto, I will try to do better next time)

Anyway. I noticed people were posting their ID Numbers:
Seaside -- ID # 154341121
Owyhee Mountains -- ID # 154341122
Paulina Falls -- ID # 15434123

Anyway, I think I know what I did wrong but there are the ID Numbers.

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August 07, 2017


Ying Zhou
  Watson Mill Bridge  - Use of light in three ways
Watson Mill Bridge - Use of light in three ways

Ying Zhou

Hi All,

Here's my Module 3 assignment.

I took the original photo in the bright daylight, dusk and a little bit past dusk. Then I used my photoshop to edited the three photos you see over here. I know these are not totally "natural" but I hope the right way of using light and some creative editing could add some color to my photo.

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August 09, 2017

- Beth OMeara

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Beth OMeara
Beth OMeara's Gallery
  I think its rather strange that no one is receiving response from Better Photo. They are usually very prompt. But I guess everyone got their issues fixed.

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August 09, 2017


Toni Pratt
Module 4: Mastery of the Utilization of Light

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August 16, 2017


Toni Pratt
  All By Myself
All By Myself
Shot image of ladybug underneath a large leaf with my Canon EOS Rebel SL1 camera and my Tamron 60 mm f/2 Macro 1:1 lens.

Toni Pratt

Module 4: Backlighting

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August 16, 2017


Toni Pratt
  Corn Dogs
Corn Dogs
Shot image of Cattail Plants with Canon EOS Rebel SL1 and Tamron 60mm f/2 Macro 1:1 lens.

Toni Pratt

Module 4 - Frontlighting

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August 16, 2017


Toni Pratt
Module 4 - Overcast - Soft Lighting

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August 16, 2017


Toni Pratt
  Water Bones
Water Bones
Shot water display on an overcast day with Canon EOS Rebel SL1 camera and Tamron 60 mm f/2 Macro 1:1 lens.

Toni Pratt

Module 4 - Overcast Sky - Soft Lighting

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August 16, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
  Overhead Light vs. Window Light
Overhead Light vs. Window Light
f/4.0@1.6 sec.; 183mm (35mm Eq); 8/18/17, 5:49 PM.

Joseph K. Merton

Module 4 - Artificial
Late afternoon light through window into a darkened room. There is an overhead light with a dimmer switch. I used the dimmer to try and balance the overhead light with the window light.

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August 20, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
  Available Light
Available Light
f/4.0 @ 6 sec; 99mm (35mm Eq); 8/18/17 at 6:04 PM.

Joseph K. Merton

Module 4 - Artificial Light
Turned off overhead light and used available light, basing the exposure on the front of the artificial flowers.

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August 20, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
  TTL Flash
TTL Flash

f/4.0 @ 1/60 sec; 79mm (35mm Eq); compatible Panasonic flash shooting direct into subject with TTL exposure control.

Joseph K. Merton

Module 4 - Shoe Mounted Flash
Used flash in TTL mode, camera was set to aperture mode. Not very pleasing but it is a technically correct exposure averaging to 18% grey.

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August 21, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
  Flash -4 EVs
Flash -4 EVs
f/4.0 @ 1.6 Sec; 85mm (35mm Eq); 8/18/17 at 6:48 PM. Reduced flash output by 4 EVs. Final exposure adjustments in Lightroom.

Joseph K. Merton

Module 4 - "Natural Flash"
I attempted to use the flash to render the scene as seen by the human eye. I reduced the flash output by 4 EVs and modified exposure in Lightroom to make it as "natural" as possible. It still doesn't look quite right to me because of reflection on the plastic plant stalks as well as the sharp shadows cast by the leaves. That might be improved using a diffuser and maybe bouncing the flash. That will be the purpose of the next set.

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August 21, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
Module 4 - Available Light
This is a Chicken Dancer left over from my daughter's college graduation. According to the diploma in the chicken's hand that was 2006, doesn't seem that long ago!

This was made in the living room by the light of a floor lamp behind my right shoulder. The chicken was on top of the piano and the camera was mounted on a tripod maybe twelve feet from the chicken. I metered off the chicken's "feathers" and used the diploma as a reference for white balance. This is what it looks like when I don't use the flash.

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August 21, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
  Chicken Dancer - Available Light
Chicken Dancer - Available Light
f/4.0 @ 2 Sec; 157mm (35mm Eq); 8/19/17 at 8:58 PM.

Joseph K. Merton

  Chicken Dancer - Available Light
Chicken Dancer - Available Light
f/4.0 @ 2 Sec; 157mm (35mm Eq); 8/19/17 at 8:58 PM.

Joseph K. Merton

Module 4 - Available Light
This is a Chicken Dancer left over from my daughter's college graduation. According to the diploma in the chicken's hand that was 2006, doesn't seem that long ago!

This was made in the living room by the light of a floor lamp behind my right shoulder. The chicken was on top of the piano and the camera was mounted on a tripod maybe twelve feet from the chicken. I metered off the chicken's "feathers" and used the diploma as a reference for white balance. This is what it looks like when I don't use the flash.

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August 21, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
  Chicken Dancer - Direct Flash
Chicken Dancer - Direct Flash

f/4.0 @ 1/60 sec; 157mm (35mm Eq); 8/19/17 at 8:59 PM.

Joseph K. Merton

Module 4 - Chicken Dancer with Direct Flash

Using dedicated flash shooting directly at subject in TTL mode. No bounce, no diffuser. This is why I don't use flash too much.

By the way, uploads seem verrry slow with errors and double submissions.

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August 21, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
  Chicken Dancer with Ceiling Bounce
Chicken Dancer with Ceiling Bounce
F/4.0 @ 1/60 Sec.; 157mm (35mm Eq); 8/19/17 at 8:59 PM.

Joseph K. Merton

Module 4 – Chicken Dancer with Ceiling bounce

Dedicated flash bounced off ceiling in front of chicken

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August 21, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
  Module 4 Chicken Dancer with Diffuser #1
Module 4 Chicken Dancer with Diffuser #1
F/4.0 @ 1/60 sec; 151mm (35mm Eq); 8/19/17 at 10:04 PM.

Joseph K. Merton

Module 4 Chicken Dancer with Diffuser #1

This is a cloth and wire diffuser that slips over the flash head which is then turned vertical. Light comes out the front, top, and sides of the diffuser and this is the result. Notice the inside of the bill. In the previous picture, that area is in shadow. Here it is illuminated. Glare of flash is mostly gone and shadows are softened but not as much as with ceiling bounce. This casts a somewhat sharper shadow than with the bounce flash. Not sure how it would look with a human but I like this better than with bounce but not as well as with available light.

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August 21, 2017


Joseph K. Merton
  Chicken Dancer with Diffuser # 2
Chicken Dancer with Diffuser # 2
F4.0 @ 1/60 sec; 151mm (35mm Eq); 8/19/17 at 10:53 PM. Reduced flash output by 1/3 EV.

Joseph K. Merton

Module 4 – Chicken Dancer with Diffuser # 2

The second diffuser is an inexpensive white plastic oblong globe that fits (poorly) over the vertical flash head. This is better than the first diffuser – that is it gives better results but on the downside, it tends to fall off the flash head. It did reduce the flash output by 1/3 EV but I can’t imagine trying to walk around an event or party with this or forcing it into my bag. We won’t even talk about a duct tape solution! Maybe I should take another look at Gary Fong’s creations, my brother swears by his.

All in all, I prefer available light to flash. I can see how flash can give good results especially with modifiers such as reflectors & diffusers. There are times when these tools are essential for capturing the subject but for me, those times are rare!

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August 21, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
Module 4 - I did a series of photos of a church early morning, mid-day, early evening before twilight, and twilight to show the different lighting conditions and how they affected the look and color in the photos.

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September 15, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
Sorry I posted this photo wrong - it should be viewed as a vertical photo.

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September 21, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
Sorry I posted this photo wrong - it should be viewed as a vertical photo.

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September 21, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
Can't figure out how to post vertical photos - they appear as landscapes unfortunately.

However, I am posting other photos to show change in light at different times of day - from morning to mid-day, then early evening and twilight.

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September 21, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
  Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Taken early evening before twilight

Susan Eginton

Early evening

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September 21, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
  Church at Twilight
Church at Twilight

Susan Eginton


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September 21, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
Just after sunset - there is lighting within the church steeple

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September 21, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
  First photo is at mid-day.
Accidentally deleted my early morning photo.

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September 22, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
First photo is at mid-day.
Accidentally deleted my early morning photo.

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September 22, 2017

- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Eginton
Susan Eginton's Gallery
Early morning photo.
Again, taken vertically but when uploaded and posted to gallery, photo comes out as a landscape and gives a distorted appearance not in my original photo. Frustrating!

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September 22, 2017

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