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Photography Question - Christine Greenspan

BetterPhoto Member
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pictures on google part 2

And in regard to my previous post, I don't think I'm any great photographer, and I don't think people are clamoring to download my pictures, but it's just weird. There were also pictures posted that I never would have put out there. I uploaded them to BP, among friends, for fun and feedback, sometimes trying something new, often kind of failures. Okay, thanks. I'm done venting now!

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May 20, 2017

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  I responded to another of your posts on this.

But eventually the old images will fall so far back in any search that the chance of someone's coming upon them are remote. I would not spend time worrying about this.

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May 22, 2017 - Christine Greenspan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Christine Greenspan
Christine Greenspan's Gallery
  Thanks so much, Nikki. Like I said previously, I'm an outdated grandmother! Time for me to get with it.

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May 23, 2017

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  I'm a grandma, too :) Really, no matter our age, we've pretty much all been there. I'm on other sites with active forums and I see this question (or some version of it) all the time, sometimes from people who could be my grandchildren LOL And some people do continue to worry and fret about it. I have just chosen not to. That said, I do continue to upload my images at 800 on the long side rather than take advantage of the option to upload larger files - that's my own version of paranoia :)

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May 23, 2017

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