- Nikki McDonald Contact Nikki McDonald Nikki McDonald's Gallery |
Commenting Made Easy I have discovered a "trick" that can make navigating galleries and pages and commenting on photos that catch your eye much easier - here at BP (and elsewhere!). I view images on a PC, my OS is Windows 10, my browser is Mozilla Firefox. How much or what of that matters, I know not. Open a page - in a gallery or a display page like Recent Entries or Finalists or whatever. Find a thumb you'd like to view full size. Hold down Ctrl and left click. A new window window (tab) will open BUT you will still be on the original page. Do this as many times as you want for a given page; you can step quickly through every image there OR cherry pick. Once you have all the windows open that you want (or as many as you or your system can stand to have open at once LOL), go to the first tab. Look at the image, comment if you wish, close the tab. Next tab. Look, comment, close. Continue. Once you have done this, you can open MORE tabs on the same page (if, for example, you decided to only open a few at once) OR you can move to the next page. Try it. If (and that's probably a big IF) it works for you, you will be delighted! Now does anyone else have OTHER tricks that make commenting easier in this new version?
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Not sure how to convert that to a MAC OS, but I sure would like to. Navigating around the site is sometimes extremely challenging...and slow! Thanks for the heads up, Nikki.
- Nikki McDonald Contact Nikki McDonald Nikki McDonald's Gallery |
The first thing I would try would be command rather than control, Teresa, and I'm sure you're trying that. Let us know if it works!
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Yup, Command/left click opens a new window,Nikki! I think this will make things go much smoother and quicker when navigating. Thanks again for the heads up!!
- Nikki McDonald Contact Nikki McDonald Nikki McDonald's Gallery |
Yay! Just learned about this recently on another site and it has made things much easier for me there, too. Thanks for checking and getting back to us.
- Martha R. Mazon Contact Martha R. Mazon Martha R. Mazon's Gallery |
This is great. Thank you Nikki! Another Windows trick: go to My Photos...Manage/Enter. From there, click on a Discussion link. Right click on each commenter's name link and Open Link in New Tab to see the associated gallery in a new tab. This does NOT work on most other pages because right-click has been indiscriminately blocked.
- Michele Peterson Contact Michele Peterson Michele Peterson's Gallery |
I can get this to work if I am on a regular page, (like the recent entries) but I cannot get it to work in an individual member's gallery. Is it working for you both places? And has anyone figured out how to look through a member's gallery, click the details of a photo to see it biggie sized, and then be able to get back to the page you were on? It always brings me back to the first page of the gallery no matter what page I was on. Thanks!
- Gregory LaGrange Contact Gregory LaGrange Gregory LaGrange's Gallery |
If you use Firefox and download the NoScript plugin, you should be able to right click a photo and open it in a new tab. But it's the scripts that block the right click and save. But that's a minor preventive since anything can be gotten with a screen save add on. The problem with returning to the first page seems to be just the way the gallery is. The details link doesn't tell you much more than what camera was used from what I can tell. If they haven't put shutter speed and other info in the description, from what little I looked at I don't think the details link gives you much more info than clicking on the thumbnail photo. And the thumbnail photo has the close x in the right corner. Only work around I can think of right now is to copy the address of the page you want to go back to, and after you're done looking at the details do a paste and go in the address bar.
- Michele Peterson Contact Michele Peterson Michele Peterson's Gallery |
Thanks, Gregory. I understand that there isn't more information when we click "view details", but if I want to make a comment on someone's image when looking at their gallery, I need to biggie size it to get to the discuss button. Then after commenting I can't get back to the page I was on. Thanks for your suggestions and work around idea.
- Irene Colling Contact Irene Colling Irene Colling's Gallery |
Better Photo has a feature that I really don't like when browsing. I like to look through several pages of photo's in other photographers galleries. When I navigate to the discussion window to make a comment, then click the back button I'm taken to page one of the gallery again. There seems to be no way to comment from page 5 (or whatever) and get back to the page where I was last viewing. Therefore I don't comment as often as I would because I lose where I was and end up at the beginning again.
- Irene Colling Contact Irene Colling Irene Colling's Gallery |
When commenting from a gallery I also wish we could just click the photo once instead of a three step process to have the "comment" window open. The way it is now, you click a picture to open it, then you click "view details" to get the picture again, then you click "discuss" to finally get to the comment window.
- Nikki McDonald Contact Nikki McDonald Nikki McDonald's Gallery |
Just saw this again. No, it doesn't work in individual members' galleries. Sorry. But it does help if you want to comment on Recent Entries or Finalists, etc. I haven't really commented or even done anything with my own gallery since all this was changed a couple of years ago.
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