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Photography Question 


Picture Size

I recently bought an Olympus XB400 35mm camera. The first set of films that I developed, the people look far away, even though I was close to them when I shot the pictures. This didn't happen with my previous Olympus Trip camera. Could it be because the new camera has a big lens or is something wrong with the camera?

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August 23, 2002


John A. Lind
The XB400 has a 27mm fixed focal length lens. This is a fairly short lens that takes in a very wide angle of view, not uncommon for cameras of this type.

What does this mean? It has a very wide angle of view; about 67 degrees horizontally and about 48 degrees vertically. Objects at the same distance from the camera will appear smaller in the image than with "standard" lenses of 40mm to 55mm focal length that approximate the perspective of the human eye and have a narrower angle of view; about 40 degrees horizontally and 27 degrees vertically (50mm lens). In addition your photographs will have greater apparent depth than what you see with your eyes. Two objects at different distances will appear to be farther apart from each other than you see with your eyes. Very distant backgrounds will appear to be farther away in the photograph than they really are.

My guess is this camera has a shorter (wider angle) lens than your previous camera. The solution is moving closer to the people than you used to. Use the viewfinder as a guide to how big they will be in the photograph. It should match the angle of view of your lens.

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August 24, 2002


  Hi John,
Thanks so much for the response. I used to think that buying a camera was so easy, you just bought something that looked good. I never thought about the lens or anything like that. Thanks so much for opening my eyes. Next time I'll be an informed shopper, thanks to websites like this.

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August 26, 2002


Victor J.
  Maureen, I strongly suggest you do several things. 1.Subsribe to a monthly photo magazine. 2. Take one of the basic photo courses at BetterPhoto or 3.Consider looking into your local community college for a photo course.
Would you buy a car if you couldn't drive? Vic

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August 31, 2002

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  Don't necessarily need to subscribe to a mag, you could just stop by a bookstore and look to see if there's anything in there that you are trying to find out about and buy that mag. Or you could do what I do sometimes and just read the article in the store. But don't tell anybody I said that.That's just between you and me.

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November 16, 2003

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