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Photography Question 

Pradeep Ganesh

How to shoot the full moon on a night sky


I tried shooting the full moon amidst some clouds at night. But the autofocus was struggling to get focus. Also when I turned to manual and focussed it, the indicator which indicates ready to shoot (the solid dot in the viewfinder) remained blinking, I did override it and clicked, but I was wondering if I should make other adjustments to shoot such scenes.


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July 25, 2002


  Some cameras cannot focus on the moon because not much distinctive vertical or horizontal lines for the sensor to focus. If you could manually override the focus to infinity, that would do it. Basically if the full moon is already up in the sky, I will take the shot at 1/125 of a second at f8 and bracket (1 at f11 and one at f5.6) This is based on the ISO 100 speed film I use. If the moon just rise above tree top, I will stop down 1 stop and bracket. Hope this helps.

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July 26, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Set your camera to manual focus (if your camera does not have this function throw it away and buy a real camera). Then set the focus on infinity. For exposure, all you need to know is the sunny 16 rule. The moon is nothing more than a sun lit object. If you are using ISO 100 film all you need to do is set your shutter speed for 1/125 and your f-stop for f16 and you're good to go.

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July 26, 2002


Pradeep Ganesh

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July 27, 2002

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