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Linda Smith

Minolta maxxum users

I have a Minolta maxxum 7000, and several lenses. I am concidering purchasing a new camera body. The 7000 works(except not able to use flash), and I like the features.
I have looked into the maxxum 5, did not like the mirror. Is my next step the maxxum7? or is there another option without going up to the maxxum 9?
I want to be able to use my current lenses.
I purchased the 7000 used a couple of years ago, is there something that is not being made that would be good if found on the used market?
I would love to hear from the minolta users and would like to get some preferances from them.

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July 24, 2002


Jeff Burleson
  I started off with a Minolta Maxxum xtsi, which served me well for learning. I then decided to upgrade to a maxxum 7. I researched that camera for months before finally deciding on it. What I looked for was what other people thought about it, and found that EVERYONE loved the maxxum 7 in all the reviews. (at least the ones I saw) I went down to the local camera shop and they let me play with it for almost an hour. I must say that the best info for comparing models came from Minolta's web site. If you navigate through to the maxxum section, you can find a chart that compares the Maxxum 9, 7, 5, xtsi and lesser models. The Maxxum 7 is only a slight step down from the 9, BUT consider that the 7 has some features that I like that the 9 doesn't have! The 7 is a world of difference better than the Maxxum 5. I have one of those too. I admit I like it, but what it does is so limited compared to the 7. I realize that I'm not being real specific, but thats because there are too many functions to list and I think you should check Minolta's web site for a comparison. I will tell you my favorite things about the 7 though. I love the LED markers in the view finder that light up to confirm focus, and where it's focusing. I love the audio focus confirmation that goes along with the LED visual. I like having +/- 3 whole stops in the view finder's info area. Do I need to tell you that the data back is awesome? It absolutely is, especially when working low to the ground where you can't put your eye to the view finder. It displays all the info you need in real time. Except for composition of course! Heck, turn the camera on its side, and the data back will automatically switch the info so it's right side up again! I love it! I realize this is all ho-hum to some, but little things like that really make my Maxxum 7 more of a toy than a tool. I also like the flash compensation dial location and ease of use. There is so much more I like about it, but I'm not gonna write a novel about it, not yet anyhow. I bought the Verticle Control Grip (VC-7) for ease of control in verticle positions and the use of the AA batteries. You get to keep your regular batteries in the camera and there's a switch to switch between the ones in the camera body and the ones in the grip body. The feel of the grip is exactly like the body of the 7 and fits superbly. The controls are intuitive on the grip as well. The grip has all the necessary dials for adjusting the exposure and aperture. It's not a must, but I love it. Well, I could tell you how the Maxxum 7 is a gift from God, but that may be taking it a bit far, but still pretty close in my opinion. It has served me well, and I have had zero problems with it yet. I've only had it about a year, but nothing has come along yet that is better for me than the 7 in the Minolta line. Here's an address to Apogee Photo Online Magazine where they reviewed the 7.
Well, that's my 2 cents. I have the maxxum 5 for a backup, but it hardly compares to the 7. If you have any more questions about either one, please feel free to ask.

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September 04, 2002


Linda Smith
  Thanks for the info Jeff. I have decided to go with the Maxxum 7 when funds allow. In the meantime I had my maxxum 7000 repaired. I am looking foward to using all the features the 7 offers. Will the 7 accept all the lenses I have for my 7000? flash too? From what I read it should. Thanks again for the response, it's nice to hear from fellow Minolta users.

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September 05, 2002


Jeff Burleson
  From what I understand, all Maxxum lenses work with all Maxxum cameras. I believe the same goes for the flashes too. Ok, lets see.... Looking in my manual for the 7, it says for lenses:

All Minolta AF lenses can be used with the Maxxum 7.

MD and MC series lenses (manual focus) CANNOT be used with the Maxxum 7.

And for Flashes...

All Minolta i, si, and HS series flash units and the Vectis SF-1 flash, are compatible with the Maxxum 7.

The Flash Shoe Adapter FS-1100 is required to mount AF series flash units (4000AF, 2800AF, 1800AF and Macro flash 1200AF).

The AF illuminator will not activate when the FS-1100 is attached.

X-series flashes CANNOT be used with the Maxxum 7.

Well, thats all the info the manual give for compatability for lenses and flashes. Looking at the Minolta web site, it says the xi lenses work with the Maxxum 7 as well as the rest of the Maxxums listed. (9, 5, XTsi, etc.)

That's about all I can offer. I hope it helps.

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September 05, 2002


Jeff Burleson
  I almost forgot! With any other camera I've had, to set the custom functions you need to get out the manual, hunt down the section and flip through the pages to find what you want. Then you gotta go back to the camera and select option 1, 2 and sometimes 3. Not so with the Maxxum 7. With the data back, you just push the custom function button, and you get to scroll through a description of the custom functions. Just highlight your choice and enter. No manual needed at all! Maybe this camera really is a Godsend?

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September 05, 2002

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