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Photography Question 

Holly Vaira

Studio Set-Up

I plan to start my own studio within a few years. What's the best, easy to use, photographer friendly way to set up my studio? Camera, lighting, computer, props, ect.?
*Diagrams welcome.

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July 22, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Yikes! That's a lot of info you need. It would help if you told us what or whom you plan to shoot in this studio. Also, do you have a space for it? How big is it? The more info you can give us the better the advice we can give you.

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July 22, 2002


Holly Vaira
  I'm still looking for a space right now. I'm not really sure how much space that I'll need/want. I'm hoping maybe someone can give me an idea on approximately how much space they used and how their studio was set up. I want my studio to flow and be organized. But I'm just not sure how to organize it.
By the way, I plan to shoot portraits for the time being.
What else do you need to know?

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July 22, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  The bigger the better. I run my business out of my home and have my studio set up in my garage. It's a 3 car garage but I still wish I had more space. The ceiling is 9' high and I wish it was higher. The more room you have to work with the better.

I hang my backgrounds from a track system. As far as camera, lights, computer, and props go, those are more based on your personal style. For example, if you're just doing headshots you can probably get by with a 35mm. If you're doing wall portraits you may opt for a medium format or large format camera. In regard to lights, some people like to use a lot of lights (3 or more). I prefer to keep it simple and rarely use more than 2. The computer also greatly depends on your own style and preferences. I don't use many props but I think it's best to pick them up as you need them. If you buy a bunch of props all at once chances are you will probably never use most of them.

Mostly, it sounds to me like you are still in the learning process. I suspect most of these questions will be answered for you in the next few years.

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July 22, 2002


Holly Vaira
  Yes, I'm still figuring things out. I know a lot about photography, just not studio work.
There are so many uncertainties that I need to straighten out. Any help is appreciated. Thank you. If you think of anything else that might be helpful, please, post away.

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July 22, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  The biggest thing I learned about my studio is that I don't use it nearly as much as I thought I would. I still prefer natural light in natural settings. It's nice to have for those clients who are interested in studio shots and it gives me options in the winter or when the weather isn't nice but for the most part I still do the bulk of my work outside or on location.

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July 22, 2002


Julie Arce
  I too would like to start up my own studio. Any helpful information you get, I would appreciate it if you would pass it on. And I will do the same. Thanks

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July 29, 2002


  Check out I think you will find his suggestions on roomsize, color, lights, backgrounds, all simlpe and affordable.

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July 30, 2002

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