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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Which Type of Film Will Enhance Colors?

I've heard that certain film types can enhance colors in your film. I am a student and during the year I would never ever use anything but Kodak TMAX Film either 100 or 400, but now it's summer and I am using color film. I'd like to know which films can ehance which colors and so on ... mostly for outdoor purposes like a parks and in the moutains .

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July 21, 2002


Jon Close
  Slide film:
Fuji's Fujichrome Velvia 50 is a favorite of many and probably the 'standard' of enhanced or saturated color film.

From Kodak there is Ektachrome Professional E100S (the "S" is for saturated color), E100SW (saturated/warm), E100VS (vivid saturated). For false colors there is Ektachrome Professional Infrared EIR.

In Kodak's consumer line there is Elite Chrome Extra Color 100.

Color Negative Film:
Kodak Professional Portra 160VC (vivid color) and 400VC.

Fuji may have a comparable print film, but I don't know the name.

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July 22, 2002


Debbi Koplen
  I have been very happy with Fuji 100 Reala color negative film for strong color saturation. It's about 20% more than Fuji's regular ISO 100 film, but it yields very rich colors. I used it now exclusively.

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July 29, 2002

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