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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Enlargement Made From 35 mm Film

When making an 11" x 14" enlargement from a 35mm negative, is the negative cropping for it the same as an 8" x 10"? And what about for a 16" x 20" (providing you have a good enough negative for that size)?

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July 21, 2002


John A. Lind
No, not exactly. Think in terms of aspect ratio. The aspect ratio of a 35mm film frame (24mm x 36mm) is 2:3 or 1.67. The aspect ratio of an 8x10 or 16x20 is 4:5 or 1.25, and an 11x14 is 11:14 or 1.27.

It's about the same but shows slightly more on the long dimension. If you want a full frame, some labs will make 8x12 or 11x16 prints (complete frame would be 11x16.5).

The limit for the finest grain films with high mid-range percentage numbers for line-pairs per mm in their MTF curves (for max sharpness), and taking exceptional care when making the photograph (and the print) is about 12X enlargement. It will also compress the image's apparent depth of field. With 35mm film this is about an 11x14 (or 11x16) print. Going larger than this imposes restrictions on keeping viewing distance far enough that the photograph does not "fall apart" under closer scrutiny from about a foot (near limit of normal eye focusing). 16x20 and larger prints are best done from medium and large format.

-- John

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July 22, 2002

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