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Photography Question 

Michelle Campbell

Film Storage Prior to Developing

Hello. I shoot a lot of film. Carry my equipment everywhere. I want to record as many memories of my daughter's youth as possible. My issue is with the actual developing of the film. I allow myself one roll to develop a week, however, I shoot anywhere from 4 to 6 rolls a week... so I'm extreamely proud of my little one!
My question is how should I store the shot rolls of film until I can get them developed? I definately can't afford to get it all developed at once! I'd need a full time job just to support that!
Any input anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated!

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July 19, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Save the canisters and put the film in the canisters into your freezer.

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July 19, 2002


Linda Smith
I too from time to time have more film to develop than my purse will allow.
I try to wait till my lab offers a special, then take several rolls to develop at once. I get the special price, but pick them up over several weeks. I do let the lab know what I am doing so they don't think I had forgotten them.

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July 21, 2002


  If you have a Costco or a Sam's club near you, they do a good job of processing print film. Sam's club is $1.99 for a roll of 24shots or $2.99 for 36. Costco is $2.99 for 24 and $3.99 for 36. They treat your negitives well and you use the 3x5 prints to check your focus/composition. From there you can get enlargements done at a higher end lab. I find that with these prices, shooting more will improve your pictures. The money you save on processing will pay for the membership fees and then some.

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July 30, 2002


Leo Enriquez
  My best advice is: Don't store them at all, the film has to be developed, because as you know the more time that the film is stored, the better chance to loose the bright colors!...

Don't develop the whole enchilada, just the film strip, get one of those film strips viewers or a big loupe with a nice magnifier and a small light box, and pick the ones you like to be printed on a 4X6 later!...

Developing the film strip only is not as expensive as developing and printing at the same time!...

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July 31, 2002


Natalee Rice
  What I do Michelle is when my choice photo shop offers a prepaid special on the film I like to use, I pick up 10 or 20 or more (blush) rolls and then when I go to get them developed, they cost nothing and I have SAVED HUGE on the cost. I basically get the film for nothing in this case. Carman's is the shop I use...I am pretty much satisfied most of the time with the results. I do like the other idea that Linda gave that you get them developed and pick them up one at a time...if you don't go the prepaid route. That saves you room too! Happy shooting!!!

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July 31, 2002

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