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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

canon rebel or nikon n65..?

this is regarding my first question..?
john told me to consider nikon 65 as a option also cos' it has metal lense mount and remote, remote is an advantage but I think plastic is as strong as anything else now days,and I like light cameras because of small hands so iam also not buying BP 200 with it, secondy I heard that nikon's lenses are strong but of not superior quality then canon's lenses.

last I think nikon 65 is more costly then canon rebel.

can you also tell me which lens to buy?

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July 16, 2002


  RAM M. 28mm-105mm for lightness, & traveling. my motto="heavier is steadier" John (above lens not much heavier than the 28-80mm.) John

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July 18, 2002

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