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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
- Jill Odice

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jill Odice
Jill Odice's Gallery

Can't see galleries?

What's up with not being able to access some galleries today? I have been trying to catch up with my commenting only to keep getting page error messages?

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May 28, 2015


Carol L. Fowler
  Me too!

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May 28, 2015

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  This is probably related to the other forum topic about galleries. Jim M chimed in and said they were looking into it.

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May 28, 2015

- Evy Johansen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Evy Johansen
Evy Johansen's Gallery
  Me too!!!

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May 28, 2015


Sharon Sawyer
  There are MANY different glitches happening right now.. sure hope they can get them fixed soon. Jim did say he is working on it.

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May 28, 2015

- Joannie Bertucci

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joannie Bertucci
Joannie Bertucci's Gallery
  It's funny, I can get into see everyone elses gallery but mine! How are folks able to post right now? :-(

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May 28, 2015

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  You can still post, the pancake thingy on any BP page still works, you just can't see what you posted. Something is way wrong, I'm thinking.

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May 29, 2015

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  I can see my gallery now and the letter I received said that the style was changed because it was causing technical difficulties. Does this mean we can no longer change the background and presentation? Hmmmm....

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May 29, 2015


Jeff Sielski
  I like to know why my gallery is showing the "Basic Gallery"
not my normal one??

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May 29, 2015 - Tammy M. Anderson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Tammy M. Anderson
Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery
  Mine was changed to the old version too. I was not having any trouble viewing mine like some of you were over the last few days. You would think we would be told why this was done.

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May 29, 2015

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  I checked the Gallery Settings and I'm no longer able to switch back and forth from basic to the newer style. BP has removed the newer-style option for gallery display.

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May 29, 2015 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Hi my friends,

In case you did not get my email, here it is:

(but first, let me clarify... I'm working on new mobile-friendly galleries. This is really important. It's a big project, but it's a high priority... so the change I made today is just to make sure everyone can see their gallery... until we have the mobile-friendly design created).

Have a good weekend!


P.S. Here's the email I sent today:
Just wanted to let you know that we have updated your photo gallery at BetterPhoto.

We've just changed the display style.

The old style was causing a technical problem that blocked people from seeing or updating their gallery.

What's more: the gallery was not "mobile-friendly". Google is making it very clear that they will be giving mobile-friendly web pages better rankings in search results.

So it's a top priority here at BetterPhoto to make the galleries and websites mobile-friendly as soon as possible.

All of your information and photos are intact... we've only changed the display style and will be updating it again soon, to be mobile friendly.

If there are any features that you love in our upcoming revision, feel free to help me know.

Together, let's update the photo galleries at BetterPhoto to make them even better (and seen by even more people).


Jim Miotke

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May 29, 2015 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Hi my friends,

In case you did not get my email, here it is:

(but first, let me clarify... I'm working on new mobile-friendly galleries. This is really important. It's a big project, but it's a high priority... so the change I made today is just to make sure everyone can see their gallery... until we have the mobile-friendly design created).

Have a good weekend!


P.S. Here's the email I sent today:
Just wanted to let you know that we have updated your photo gallery at BetterPhoto.

We've just changed the display style.

The old style was causing a technical problem that blocked people from seeing or updating their gallery.

What's more: the gallery was not "mobile-friendly". Google is making it very clear that they will be giving mobile-friendly web pages better rankings in search results.

So it's a top priority here at BetterPhoto to make the galleries and websites mobile-friendly as soon as possible.

All of your information and photos are intact... we've only changed the display style and will be updating it again soon, to be mobile friendly.

If there are any features that you love in our upcoming revision, feel free to help me know.

Together, let's update the photo galleries at BetterPhoto to make them even better (and seen by even more people).


Jim Miotke

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May 29, 2015


Carol L. Fowler
  All my albums are gone- as well as the option to create albums. I really loved that feature which made it easy to find old photos. Please add that feature back!

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May 29, 2015

- Joannie Bertucci

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joannie Bertucci
Joannie Bertucci's Gallery
  Thank you Jim for your work on this situation! I was able to post a special picture today that was important! :-)

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May 29, 2015

- Evy Johansen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Evy Johansen
Evy Johansen's Gallery
  I'm with Carol:

All my albums are gone too - together with the option to create albums. I too loved that feature for many reasons.
On my website and several other places, I have links to the album overview and now you get an error message. Unfortunate.....

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May 29, 2015

- Susan D. Royce

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan D. Royce
Susan D. Royce's Gallery
  Yes, all my carefully curated albums are gone. Hope this is temporary!

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May 30, 2015


Jeana Clark
  I've not been able to switch back and forth for gallery display for a very long time! Which I have wanted to from time to time. But that aside....I've looked around in settings to see where that option is or was and to be honest, I can't find it!! LoL! It's been so long since I've tried to use that option that I can't remember where it's at. Since before the actual site changes. and... I STILL have no gallery view. I sure hope it's fixed soon. Seems weird to post and not be able to see how it looks in your gallery. Thanks Jim for the email regarding the changes though! It's appreciated!! :)

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May 30, 2015

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  ...and I still can't see my gallery at all.

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May 30, 2015

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  Never mind...I got there through the back door. My old link just wouldn't work. I can see it now.

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May 30, 2015


Jeana Clark
  My gallery is still incognito......
I tried everything I can think of
Guess I'll just keep waiting.....

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May 31, 2015

- Peggy Pfister

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Peggy Pfister
Peggy Pfister's Gallery
  Fyi, in case this info is helpful, I just tried, and I can see everyone's gallery except Jeana's. They all look "basic".

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May 31, 2015


Jeana Clark
  Yes Peggy! Thanks for checking!
So it's just me they're boycotting!! LoL!!

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May 31, 2015

- Kathy Salerni

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Kathy Salerni
Kathy Salerni's Gallery
  I have not been able to see my gallery for days and someone else wrote me because they could not see it either! It just keeps going to the last image that I posted!

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June 01, 2015

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Kathy, I compared your gallery's URL to mine.



Your is much longer than mine. So, I thought I'd try to substitute your member number into mine; e.g.,

And when I did, the web page reverted back to the same image you have. It's as if your member ID is associated/hardwired to the URL I pasted at the beginning of my comment. Strange. I was hoping that by simply substituting your member ID with mine, that you could at least see all your photos, even though folks that click your gallery would still see the last image.

Hopefully BP can sort this out soon, for everyone!

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June 01, 2015

- Kathy Salerni

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Kathy Salerni
Kathy Salerni's Gallery
  Thanks so much for trying, Ken!!

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June 01, 2015

- Kathy Salerni

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Kathy Salerni
Kathy Salerni's Gallery
  I heard from BP this morning and they told me to go into the Gallery Settings and to turn the "Gallery bypass display" on. Somehow it was reset to one photo at a time. I don't like this style of gallery at all. If someone else cannot see their gallery you could try this!!

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June 02, 2015


Jeana Clark
  I Still cannot see my gallery......I did however try this gallery bypass thing, and it shows one large picture....which I Do NOT Like! I don't understand and I must say I'm getting quite frustrated. I've tried to contact BP through email and on their facebook response.

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June 02, 2015

- Irene Colling

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Irene Colling
Irene Colling's Gallery
  Some of you are disappointed because the folders option no longer works. Personally I don't like browsing through folders. I spend much less time browsing images in a Better Photo gallery that is sorted by folders. I never know which folder to look into and there is no way to quickly scan page after page of images. I don't like the small distorted thumbnails that appear on the side when a picture is opened. I think the old style gallery presents much better.

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June 02, 2015

- Natasha Pliss

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Natasha Pliss
Natasha Pliss's Gallery
  I agree with Irene regarding the folders. But ... my gallery used to have pictures on the black background with just 8 images on each page that looked like photographs on the walls of a real gallery. Now it’s basic and totally flat. I am really disappointed. After all I payed for the appearance I wanted. Can we, at least, have a choice of background color (black or dark gray would be perfect)? I don’t know how long it will take to fix the BP galleries. I just know that my friends and I do not like the appearance of my gallery now.

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June 02, 2015

- Kathy Salerni

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Kathy Salerni
Kathy Salerni's Gallery
  I wrote them again and they said that the black BG is coming back when they get the Mobile version up?? I agree with Natasha the new gallery stinks!

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June 02, 2015


Jeana Clark
  Well least you can SEE yours.....

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June 03, 2015

- Irene Colling

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Irene Colling
Irene Colling's Gallery
  Natasha, I agree that our photos look much nicer against a dark background. When images are opened in the discussion window they look very nice against the dark grey background. I know we are not supposed to type code into our gallery settings but I changed my background color long ago so it is not white.

If BP gives that option in the future maybe my gallery will get screwed up because I've already colored my gallery with coding.

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June 04, 2015


Brenda Beatty
  I still can't get into my website to make changes. it tells me the page as been renamed or changed

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June 04, 2015


Barbara Helgason
  I spent an enormous amount of time organizing all my almost 800 images into albums. I even had business card printed with the link to my gallery explaining that there are albums for food, pets, babies, landscapes, etc etc. Customers could simply check out the album they were interested in. This saved them from having to search through all of my photos.
I've sent an email asking whether or not I will get my albums back and have not received a response. Does anyone know whether or not this is temporary? Doesn't seem right that I paid money for a specific product and now they've pretty much taken that away from me. Would love an answer, I can't be the only one frustrated with this.

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June 16, 2015

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Barbara, here's what Jim Miotke said in another forum thread on this same topic:

"The galleries are not going back to the way they were. We have to move on to a new solution because the Internet audience is "going mobile". It may take some time but we will have the new mobile-friendly gallery in the future."

We need Jim to update us on how the new mobile-friendly gallery will impact the desktop version of BP. Sounds like it won't look like it used to but hopefully they'll have some folder options with easy organization.

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June 17, 2015


Barbara Helgason
  Thank you. I understand the need to be mobile friendly, however I don't understand why this requires the removal of albums.

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June 17, 2015

- Millie A. Talarico

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Millie A. Talarico
Millie A. Talarico's Gallery
  with the old style returning that.doesn't bother me,but, half of my images are missing, and I sent a note to BP. I don't know what's up or how long I have to wait for the norm. again.I probably will not renew membership, Don't like the changes~

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June 17, 2015


Sharon Sawyer
  Hi Gang, I've been away for a while so don't know what glitches have been fixed & what have not. I can't make my gallery my home page any longer. Does anyone else have this problem?

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June 28, 2015


Sharon Sawyer
  I get this error report when I try to make my gallery my home page as I have always done in the past. Thanks any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Sharon

Page Error

The page you requested has an error. We have recorded the error and will attempt to fix it as soon as possible.
Tips and tricks:

If you were writing an input - a question, comment, or discussion - use your browser's Back button to retrieve what you wrote.
If you received this error while trying to view a photo gallery, click the Refresh button on your browser. It often works when you try to access the page a second time.
If you got this error while trying to upload an image, make sure that the image is not too large. See the instructions on the previous upload page for specific info.

Return to the Home page.

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June 28, 2015

- Rudi Reiner

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Rudi Reiner
Rudi Reiner's Gallery
  Mine are back in the galley but all re-arranged.... and all September entries are not showing ...

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September 19, 2015

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