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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
- Jill Odice

BetterPhoto Member
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Blocking Google Search for images

Is there a way I can keep my images from showing up in the Google search for images? I noticed that people can Right click on my images in the Google search and save them. Granted they are small images, but they can still pin them at Pinterest, post them on their blogs etc. I have found many of my images being used this way with no credit to me or link to my website or BP...I do not mind if they use them with my permission, but 9 out of 10 times they don't...On Flickr I can block API searches of my images, is there a way to do that on BP?
Thanks, Jill

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May 20, 2015


Cindy Koller
  Make sure your photos are watermarked. Then if you see your images being used on someones site, send them a bill for the use of your image. Or, if you want to be nicer, ask them to just take it down. Personally, I'd demand payment.

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May 24, 2015

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