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Bill Johnson

May EPs, SFs, Finalists

Ready for comments about May Contest.

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April 30, 2015


Brenda Beatty
  I've been gone for about a week.
When I left I had 11 EP when I went there via the pancake on the left top of the screen. Now I only have 3 any idea why. Do they start over every month?

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May 05, 2015

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Brenda, I'm not sure what you mean when you said "I had 11 EP when I went there via the pancake on the left top of the screen. Now I only have 3."

If a photo gets and EP, it's associated with the photo forever, unless it becomes a Staff Fav or Finalists, etc. Or if you delete it. Can you share the links of the photos that no longer have an EP?

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May 05, 2015

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
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Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  Looks like the judges have started dispatching hopes. Got EPs for May 1, 2 and 3rd.


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May 06, 2015

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

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Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  Entered 2 per day and got 6 EPs out of the 10 entered through the 5th.
Miserable showing for April, but this looks a little better.

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May 06, 2015

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

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Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  Entered 2 per day and got 6 EPs out of the 10 entered through the 5th.
Miserable showing for April, but this looks a little better.

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May 06, 2015

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

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BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  Entered 2 per day and got 6 EPs out of the 10 entered through the 5th.
Miserable showing for April, but this looks a little better.

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May 06, 2015


Brenda Beatty
  I entered 5 last night and got one new EP.

Here is the link to my ep there was 11 in this gallery a week ago now there are only 7 and one's a new one this am.

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May 06, 2015

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  4 EPs for 4 May entries... :-)
How's my banter buddy, Joannie, doing??

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May 06, 2015

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  One for three and this is about like April for me. You kids behave...You know who I am talking to. Do make me come back there! Haven't had to say that for a few years. :-)

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May 06, 2015

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
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Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  DON'T make me come back there.... See I am out of practice.

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May 06, 2015

- Dayna Cain

BetterPhoto Member
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Dayna Cain's Gallery
  Two entries so far in May and EP's on both. I think I'll quit while I'm breaking even. lol

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May 06, 2015

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  As long as you bring beer, Harriet, you'll be welcomed... :-)

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May 06, 2015

- Joannie Bertucci

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joannie Bertucci
Joannie Bertucci's Gallery
  The Brat says...out of three enteries I have 1 EP! I'm happy! :-) Harriet, you brought back some fond memories with that line! :-)

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May 06, 2015

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  And, Joannie, HAPPY is all that matters.. :-)
I remember those days, too...when I'd go into the garage, get a small stick, bring it to my dad, and say, "I know I was bad, spank me now"......

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May 06, 2015

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
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Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  I was raised in the South by Southern parents. The most terrifying line was, "go get a switch". That means that I had to go out to find my own switch for my spanking. This didn't happen too often and maybe that was because when I pondered some mischief, I would remember what the consequences would be. I am glad I had parents who cared enough to discipline and enforce consequences. Did I feel loved? You bet. But Bob, I never volunteered. You had more courage than I did. I know that Joannie never had to "go get a switch" because she was a good little girl. :-)

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May 07, 2015

- Dayna Cain

BetterPhoto Member
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Dayna Cain's Gallery
  I could go for a beer right now...

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May 07, 2015

- Ed Lauderdale

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Ed Lauderdale's Gallery
  Well, through 5/5 I'm batting .500 and did pick up another for last month. Bob comments reminds me of our son! Dayna I don't drink, if this keeps up I may have to join you.

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May 07, 2015

- Joannie Bertucci

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joannie Bertucci
Joannie Bertucci's Gallery
  Harriet, you are now my favorite! :-)

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May 07, 2015


Susan M. Smith
My first entry and EP for May on 5.6.15

Animals - Dawn's Early Flight

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May 08, 2015


Bill Johnson
  Congrats to all getting EPs.

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May 08, 2015


Bill Johnson
  Brenda, Perhaps you have received a good explanation on the ep thing, but in case that's not the case, I'll take a shot. First once an ep always an ep unless it get promoted to a higher reward, (staff fav, finalist, etc). Then there is the ep reporting too called "my eps" which is a gallery of your current eps that were picked over approximately a three month period. (Actually, I asked tech support more than once and could never get an exact time period that it should cover. But I sort of calculated that it appeared to be around three months.) The period matched the time period covered by the site-wide ep reporting gallery. On the beginning of each month, that gallery and everybody's "my ep" gallery. Drops a month's worth of eps. That's when your "my ep" gallery went from 11 to whatever the new number was. However, if you check your main gallery you still see those photos carrying the ep badge. They just are no longer in your "my ep" report. Hope this explains it.

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May 08, 2015

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  Harriet's your favorite now just because she's sucking up to you?? How fickle!!

Good work, Susan, I really like the light/egret in silhouette/and the water falling off it's feet.... :-)

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May 08, 2015

- Lindley Johnson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Lindley Johnson
Lindley Johnson's Gallery
  I'm interested in the mention of the "My EP" list. I don't see it anywhere - I have the "Classic" gallery (lowest level) - is that why?

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May 08, 2015

- Joannie Bertucci

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joannie Bertucci
Joannie Bertucci's Gallery
  Bob, that's how it works! :-)

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May 08, 2015

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery you have the 3 "pancakes" on the left side near the top of your screen? Click those, then, "my photos" , your "my editor's picks" is 5th or 6th down..... I don't have the basic gallery, so I don't know if yours has that.

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May 08, 2015

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Bob, I'm a Basic Gallery owner and we only have three options under My Photos: Upload, Manage, and Contest Entries. We don't have the EP option.

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May 08, 2015

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  Thanks, Ken.
I guess you don't have a "brat alert" option either.... ;-)

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May 08, 2015

- Joannie Bertucci

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joannie Bertucci
Joannie Bertucci's Gallery
  BOB...You be BAD!

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May 08, 2015

- Lindley Johnson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Lindley Johnson
Lindley Johnson's Gallery
  Thanks Bob and Ken - it's what I suspected - we "classic" gallery owners don't have that option. I just wondered if I was missing something somewhere.

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May 09, 2015


Susan M. Smith
  Anyone know what date they are up to on the May EP's?

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May 09, 2015


Bill Johnson
  Susan, Looks they are up to May 6.

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May 09, 2015

- Joannie Bertucci

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joannie Bertucci
Joannie Bertucci's Gallery
  Happy Mother's Day
Monthly Theme

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May 10, 2015


Susan Williams
  The Editors are doing a fantastic job keeping up with EPs for May and I believe they did a third viewing for April. Congratulations to all who receive them and good luck in the coming rounds!

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May 10, 2015


Susan M. Smith Staff Favorite   Cadillac Ranch
Cadillac Ranch
Historic Route 66, Amarillo, Texas.

Man Made: 5.7.15

Staff Favorite: May 2015

Susan M. Smith

5/7 - Cadillac Ranch, Man Made

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May 12, 2015

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