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Photography Question 

Philip S. Camilleri

4 and 8 week courses

I have tried to find the 4-8 week corses. There does not seem to be an easy way to get there. What can I do to get this going? Phil Camilleri

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March 30, 2015

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  The courses are no longer available at this time. Don't know when or if they will come back.

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March 31, 2015


Brenda Beatty
  I found them and enrolled in a landscape one. They debited my card.
However the email I received said it would start in Jan. 1898.
I've sent an email and no response.

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April 05, 2015

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Brenda, where did you sign up for the landscape course? The only courses I'm aware of are those on the main "Courses" tab:

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April 05, 2015


Brenda Beatty
This is the overview for one I added to my wish list.

I enrolled and paid for Creative Landscape.

This is the email I received. Notice the beginning date.

Thank you for your order!
We received your order #487996-114646 on 3/30/2015, at 2:56:52 PM (Pacific time)



1 4-Week Short Course: Creative Landscape Photography

Total: $198.00.

Congratulations on investing in yourself with a BetterPhoto online photography course!

This Campus Square (your online classroom) will be open one week prior to your First Assignment date - Saturday, December 30, 1899. To access your Campus Square, sign on with your email address and password xxxx and then go to the My Courses tab. Scroll down to the Campus Square area and you will see the link to your Campus Square and to the Early Lesson preview. Be sure to introduce yourself by going to the Student Lounge link.

Your Early Lesson

You can immediately begin learning by accessing your online 'Early Lesson'. This is a sneak preview of the first lesson. Review it now to start absorbing new concepts and photographic principles.

Pre-Assignment #1: Your Student Survey

Fill out the following survey from your instructor so they can get acquainted with you and know more about what you would like to gain from the course.

If you have already taken one or more classes in the past, you will recognize this survey and see your previous answers. Please scan through your survey and update your answers if necessary, to keep your instructor up-to-date on recent developments in your photography.

Top 20 Shooting Tips

As a bonus to enrolled students, we also offer the following Top 20 Shooting Tips to help you get a head start and make the most of your photography anytime, anywhere.

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April 06, 2015

- Beth W. DeBor

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Beth W. DeBor
Beth W. DeBor's Gallery
  After reading Brenda's post, I went to my "wishlist" and discovered that all the classes on the list that were being taught by other instructors are now being taught by Jim but none are listed under the "courses" tab. Hmmm.

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April 06, 2015

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Brenda, I have to think that's an outdated link. Did you navigate to it on the site, or did you have it bookmarked? Just curious. I hope BP chimes in soon.

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April 06, 2015


Brenda Beatty
  I navigated it on the site. I joined BP in late Jan. have been working at building my site.
Last Tuesday started browsing through the BP site, found the 4 classes under courses, signed up and have completed the one on Photoshop.

I don't know where I found the one I thought I was purchasing, and the one I added to my wish list. But there was a bunch of them listed on that page.

When I got the email on 3-31 I emailed back asking about the start date. It let me fill out the survey. I haven't heard back from anyone. How long does it take usually to hear from some one, or is there a better email address to send it to.
My credit card was charged, if there is no class available, I'd like my $198 back.

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April 07, 2015


Pat Harry
  Jim Zuckerman's site links to the BP classes that he used to (?) teach. His links take you to the BP signup page, where you can add to your cart and checkout. I've wondered if he still teaches them.

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April 07, 2015


Brenda Beatty
  I got an email this morning. All courses have been canceled (pursuing other business areas), my $$$ for the course I enrolled in has been refunded.

It was just my dumb luck to stumble on a link that had not been deleted.
Can anyone suggest on-line courses that are strictly advanced wildlife/landscape?


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April 09, 2015


Bill Johnson
  Well as BP no longer provides these courses, they shouldn't object to this post. Creativelive provides a course and there are several shorter classes at KelbyOne.

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April 09, 2015


Brenda Beatty
  Thanks for the info.

I hope I didn't offend anyone asking. I just want to take my landscape to the next level.

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April 10, 2015

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