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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Tony & Nicole

Which lenses to choose?

After a long, long time out of the SLR market I've decided to buy a Nikon F65, but I can't decide which lens manufacturer/model(s) to choose.
I'd like to be able to zoom from 28mm to maybe 200-300mm or thereabouts.

Having fished around a minefield of reviews I've managed to glean the following:

1) Having one super zoom for all of this means not-so-good image quality.

2) A lot of people seem to favour Nikon lenses however some of the more recent autofocus ones aren't as up-to-scratch as the majority of Nikon lenses.

Can any of you learned people out there recommend a make-model combo that won't cost me an arm and a leg?

P.S. I want to buy new and whilst maximum apertures are important to me I'll probably buy one or more prime lenses in the future for low light work.

P.P.S. Are Cosina zooms in this range any good? (Just curious, that's all...)

Thanks ;) xx

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July 15, 2002

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