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Photography Question 

Lynn M. Whitt

What is monthly theme?

Does anyone know what the monthly theme is?

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March 01, 2015

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Lynn, they haven't posted it yet. Hopefully soon.

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March 01, 2015


Bill Johnson
  It's 11:31 EST and no posting yet. Perhaps you can help me with a question I've had for some time. Why not post at least one theme title in advance of the first day of the month. Some people actually shoot special for the topic and could use some advanced planning time. Several of the other sites I've been on keep a future list for that exact reason. I think members would really appreciate that. Just a thought...

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March 01, 2015


Gord MacEachern
  Just wondering, have we hit a new low????

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March 01, 2015

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Bill, BP used to always post the upcoming theme about one week out. It's only been the last couple of months when they haven't announced it until the same month. I agree with you and hopefully they'll start posting them again, one week out.

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March 01, 2015

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

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BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
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  Originally it was supposed to be posted on the 21st, but they almost never remembered to do it unless somebody reminded them.

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March 01, 2015

- Peggy Pfister

BetterPhoto Member
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Peggy Pfister's Gallery
  Still no monthly theme???

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March 02, 2015


Bill Johnson
  Seasonal Color.

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March 02, 2015


Eivor Kuchta
  That's an interesting theme for March. I have to check out the entries for the monthly theme this month. March can look so very different depending on where you live. And here in Colorado you can experience a big blizzard or migrating birds and spring flowers, all in the same week. Have fun with your cameras, where ever you are! All seasons have something there for us.

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March 03, 2015 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Yes, this was Kerry's suggestion. I'm really interested to see what comes up!

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March 03, 2015

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