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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Sharon Sawyer


It looks like it to me that anyone can click on Pinterest & add one of our photos to the Pinterest site which allows right hand click of the photo to save on their computers. Am I correct here & what do others think about this? Thanks for any feedback, Sharon

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February 27, 2015


Monnie Ryan
  Yes they can - at least 2 ways (neither of which I'll describe here). Both, of course, can be done with or without credit to the photographer. For better or worse, this certainly is not unique to photos at BP. Just about the only way I know to get around it is to put a HUGE watermark on all your photos, which tends to discourage thieves - at least those who don't know how to remove watermarks. It's an ongoing concern of photographers, especially those in the business of selling their work.

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February 28, 2015


Sharon Sawyer
  Monnie, thank you so much for getting back to me. I guess there is no point in asking BetterPhoto to remove it?

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February 28, 2015


Debbie Bray
  Sharon, on the left side of your page is a sharing tab with Facebook, Tweet and "Pin it" on there, under the pancakes. I believe this will take you to those sites. I have noticed some of my pics on the Pinterest site as well.

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February 28, 2015


Monnie Ryan
  Actually, that makes at least 3 ways people can add photos to Pinterest (as Debbie pointed out, the options are on the left). Based on other discussions I've seen, I'm guessing quite a few members are happy to have the capability of posting their own photos from BP to any or all of those sites with just one touch. But I'm also guessing some won't be thrilled to know anyone can do the same with photos that don't "belong" to them. To answer the other part of the original question, it really doesn't bother me much (although I do get upset if my photos are put elsewhere with no credit to me). But I'm probably in the minority because I'm not actively trying to sell mine and therefore need to keep tight control over ownership.

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March 01, 2015


Sharon Sawyer
  Thank you for your feedback. I'm very protective of my images and this is going to take some acceptance to change on my part... I still don't have to like it. :)

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March 16, 2015 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Highlighted Comment: The moment you post a publicly-displayed photo online at any website, you effectively lose all control over that image, at that display resolution. Intrusive watermarks are probably your best bet if you are deeply concerned about the re-use of your images without your consent. But they come at the cost of degrading the impact of your images, since an intrusive watermark will always distract.

While BP currently displays only 800pixels large (which is a handy built-in "safety feature" of sorts, preventing high-res screen-grabs for people to re-use as stand-alone image files...) that still means anyone in the world can screen-grab your 800pixel images straight from BP today. (Not the actual image file which *you* uploaded to BP, whatever size that may have been; just the resulting onscreen BP display-size for that image, currently locked at 800pixels long-side.)

If however, you displayed your images at higher resolutions (such as is available at other hosting sites) then someone with a large enough and high-res enough monitor could easily screen-grab an image display of up to, say, 2500pixels or beyond -- my MacBook monitor would let me do that today -- basically whatever resolution they could display on their monitor for your large image (which in turn is based on what display resolutions you'd permit that website to display to the public). A screen-grab of a 2500pixels display image could then yield a JPG file that could easily be used to create moderate-sized prints, in the 8 to 10 inch size. I find it far more common to see the intrusive watermarks being used on these much-higher-resolution display images.

Pinterest is (as a simplification) nothing more than a gigantic visual bookmarking system for its members to visually share content, housed on other websites. Same concept as if I went to one of your BP gallery images, copied the text URL from the address field, and sent that text on to everyone in my email list to click and view -- Pinterest just creates a thumbnail of what resides at the end of each URL that a member chooses to pin to their boards. Pins simply point back to the originating website content. (ie, your displayed-for-all-the-world-to-view web image, at 800 pixels, at BP.) Of course, this lets a Pinterest visitor "view" the BP 800pixel image without leaving the confines of the Pinterest platform.

In short, I personally don't believe there's anything at all worth worrying about, re: Pinterest, and Pinterest members enjoying your images enough to pin them to their boards and promote them for you; the pins point back to BP, since a pin is a URL reference, not an actual image file someone uploads TO Pinterest.

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March 17, 2015

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  Wow, Chris, you said a whole lot with great articulation. Actually, the last paragraph set my mind to ease. Thanks.

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March 17, 2015


Sharon Sawyer
  Christopher, Thank you so much for your answers to all our questions re Pinterest. You are right most people just pin our photos & that is it but I have noticed not always is the credit given to the photographer. There are dubious people on the net as we all know. One person used someone else's photo here in the contest & won Gold of some sort. It was pointed out & she was sent on her way. Also have seen other BetterPhoto photos in other people's sites. I am disabled so I don't get out that often to use my camera so my photos are precious to me. I question if the ones that are mentioned in the Pinterest link comes back to the photographer's gallery or just to BetterPhoto. I'd have to research this more. If so, good for BP but not for photographer. I have already given out too much information here so I will email you with the rest of my feedback. Thanks again, Sharon

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March 29, 2015

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