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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

lens type

hi all,
its in connection to my last question about canon EOS 300 or 3000
In a package of 300 euro, ia getting a canon 28-90mm lens,but I have heard that the 28-80 mm lens that comes with most kits are not good.
so here is why I need camera...
i don't care about the zoom at all,but I will cry if the image is not good...distorted or blurred,but zoom comes with the pakage then I don't mind taking it ;-)
and second , like you people say that its the lens that takes pictures,
as this is my first slr,i can spent ,say 60 euro more, that is around 360 euro for body and lens...well I can spent more but I don't know if I will ever use that lens to its full potential,its just a hobby,
so please tell me which lens should I buy ?



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July 15, 2002


doug Nelson
  Go to You will see that most cheaper zooms are horrendously bad. Pro-quality zooms are much more expensive, and still not as good as prime lenses.
For your first lens, look at the kind of shooting you do. Look at Canon's excellent 50's, the 1.8 or 1.4. They as as sharp as Canon's excellent manual focus lenses ever were.

If you ever shoot bugs or flowers close-up, consider a 50-mm macro. You can use it as a standard lens for far-off shots as well. With a macro, you gain sharpness, over lenses that are already quite sharp, and lose about three stops of low-light capability.

If scenics are what you really like, try a 35-mm f2, 28-mm f2 or 2.8, or 24-mm f2.8 are good Canon choices.

To benefit from this lens quality, be sure to perfect your hand-hold technique, and use a tripod when necessary.

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July 19, 2002

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