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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
- Mike J. Rosa

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what does score mean

When I go into my profile I see there is a line that say score on it .
What does it mean, how do I get more points and what do I do with the points?

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January 24, 2015

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

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  Good question. I have never heard what it's for, either.

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January 24, 2015 - Chris Budny

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  It appeared with the recent "BP2.0" updates to the website -- but I don't think it was ever something that was implemented in any meaningful way -- i.e., I don't believe "Score" does anything for you, it isn't described in the Help section that I can see, and I don't believe anyone from BP "uses" the score values for anything. I could of course, be completely off base. But, I'd just tune it out... ;)

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January 24, 2015

- Harriet Feagin

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  From time to time I comment on photos that catch my attention just as most of us do. I have noticed that the more I comment, the higher my score goes. Now, I am not going to flood the site with comments just to have a higher score. Nothing has changed as far as my habits about commenting. Other than this, I don't have a clue about where the rest of the score comes from.

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January 25, 2015

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

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  I think it might have something to do with participation, also. I noticed that in December, when I dropped out of the contest, my score didn't change like it did when I entered every day. I also don't comment much, or participate here in the QnA as much as I used to, and that seems to slow it down. No idea what that means, if anything.

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January 25, 2015


Monnie Ryan
  I believe members earn points for things like commenting, choosing favorites and even (in the past, at least) enrolling in courses. I tried it once before, but since I didn't renew I can't do it again, but it's easy to check: Jot down your current score, then pick a couple of favorites from other people's photos and go look at your score again. I'm pretty sure it will go up.

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January 25, 2015

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
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  Would be interesting to be able to see the rankings of all of us.


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January 26, 2015

- Ken Smith

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  Usman, I think the scores are heavily weighted to those that have been in BP the longest. I've not taken any classes at BP, and used to comment a lot but lately, I've tailed off in commenting. My score is 6158. It's truly meaningless, I think, as there's no incentive to increase your score; e.g., via commenting, posting, etc. If I'm wrong, I hope BP will chime in to update us all on their vision for the score.

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January 26, 2015

- Usman M. Bajwa

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  Ken, if your score is 6158 mine should be around half if its only made to measure the skill level of a photographer, but since mine is a little above yours, that surely tells me there are many other factors which lead to the total score. Yes, would be good to know what ingredients make up a Total Score. Hopefully BP will let us all know.


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January 26, 2015


Monnie Ryan
  Actually, at one time it did mean something; after my initial response above, I remembered (in the middle of the night, of course!!) that in an explanation not long after the launch of BP2.0, Jim explained what the score number meant and how points are earned. That message also said that at the end of a period of time - a quarter, I believe - the member with the highest total would win a camera. I've not seen anything since then and I can't find the message now, but I'm absolutely positive that's what it said.

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January 26, 2015 - Tammy M. Anderson

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  Monnie, you are right I remember that email and also wondered about who won the camera. That's if they even followed through with that.

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January 26, 2015

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
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  I remember watching one of Jim's BP 2.0 videos and he addressed the score and what went into it. I'm sure he was encouraging participation which is a great goal. When I first joined BP, there was very active participation in the forums and on photos. The participation has dwindled for a variety of reasons, and certainly the advent of Facebook and the explosion of photo clubs there, probably pulls some folks from BP.

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January 26, 2015

- Gregory LaGrange

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  Slowly, sneakily turning BP into a dating site.

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January 27, 2015

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