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Photography Question 

Jeff Sielski

How To Capture In Flight Bird Captures

Hi Everyone,

I have been getting some questions about in flight bird captures and a lot of great comments about my in flight
bird images so I thought I would post some hints that may help you, "First know your subject"this is very important to
know their behavior it will help you so much! (2)- "Watch you light" you will want to have you subject in good full light this will give you faster shutter speeds while keeping your ISO at a lower setting, look at the position that YOU are in get get the best vantage point,( 3) Practice hand holding your lens
to track say cars going up the street, squirrels running, this will start to get you in a rhythm, and teach you how to pan & to learn to follow your subject- another simple trick is to focus on 1or 2 birds-Example- say you are at a park, wildlife refuge with a lot of birds pick out the ones in the best light, and stay focused on 1or 2 study what they are doing this will greatly improve you percentages of good images, (4) Practice a lot and I mean lot!! Good in flight bird images takes Patience and Practice!!!!
Best Of Luck!!

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January 14, 2015

- Ann Coates

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ann Coates
Ann Coates's Gallery
  Thanks for the info Jeff. I went down to the local lake a couple of mornings ago, loads of birds and none were flying, typical. I agree with you though, practice, practice, practice.

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January 14, 2015


Jeff Sielski
  Hi Ann,

That will happen a lot, but that's ok just have patience-study
the birds behavior watch there moves put yourself in the best
position to capture in flight images.

Best of Luck!!

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January 15, 2015


Eivor Kuchta
  Thank you, Jeff!

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January 15, 2015


Jeff Sielski
  Hi Eivor,

You are welcome!

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January 16, 2015

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