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Photography Question 

Christopher A. Walrath

Still Kickin'

Well, seems the room is still here, as it were. Anyone still alive and kicking out there in the BP film world?

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January 01, 2015


Ron Kerr
  Still here using film, just an issue with the developing and scanning side of things, wish there was an easier way to get posted after the shot (don't seem to be happy enough with the scans to post)

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February 07, 2015


Christopher A. Walrath
  I scan a little bit of work, not a lot, as I am making archival prints in the darkroom for keepers. Just some internet sharing with friends, family and a few colleagues. And nothing more intricate than an old flatbed scanner. I get the prints right in the tray so I do not need to do anything once on the computer.

Good to see a pulse in here, though. Was beginning to wonder. Hope some more show up soon.

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February 07, 2015


Bob Cammarata
  I bailed around 3 years ago...when processing E6 slides became too much of a hassle.
Megapixel resolutions have evolved substantially, to the point where I'm happy with the results I'm now getting shooting all digital.
(The camera bodies cost $3000, though...vs the $200 I was paying for a decent film SLR.) :(

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February 20, 2015

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  No film cameras listed on main lineup page of Canon's website.

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February 20, 2015


Ted Conant
  Hi, My name is Ted Conant. Owner of Conant Studio, Inc. in Marinette, WI. I am a 4th generation professional photographer. My family has been in the business since the civil war. My info is on my website. I am for real, I grew up in my father's studio and had returned to the family business in 1992. I still work with film as that was what I was raised on. If I can be of help, contact me. My phone # is in my web site. Regrouping after an auto accident and a bunch of surgeries. But am getting back in the saddle after a few years off.

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March 17, 2015


Christopher A. Walrath
  Nice to see Bob and Greg's smiling faces. How's it going Ted. I think the film portion of this program has most definitely fallen by the wayside.

Never let go, Rose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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March 21, 2015

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