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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
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Does anyone know the monthly theme for January?? Is it still the same one as December?

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January 01, 2015

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
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Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  They forgot to put one up. I think Ken has emailed Jim about it.

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January 01, 2015

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  I haven't heard back. But I'm sure BP will soon realize they haven't posted it and pop something out there.

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January 01, 2015


Kerry Drager
  Hi All,
Happy new year! And here is the January theme:

Your Most Amazing Photo

And there's more :) ... from the themes page: "Look through your photos and select your very best, your absolute favorites... and, if you want, tell us why you love it so much. "

Have fun!

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January 01, 2015


Monnie Ryan
  It's the following: January 2015: Your Most Amazing Photo
Look through your photos and select your very best, your absolute favorites... and, if you want, tell us why you love it so much.

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January 01, 2015

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