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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Laura Hartline-Marcath

Saving others Photo's

Can people right-click & save your photo to their computer?

I want to post photos that I have full rights to---that I took---but the people don't have the rights to the majority of the photo's I'd be posting.

I know confusing right??

Long story short---I'm trying to better myself as a photographer---so I did free photo shoots in exchange for full rights---& am able to do whatever I want with the images---anyways the subject/s only get 5 photos in the exchange.

So I want people to see my photos--especially local people on Facebook---but if they can save them---then I don't want to post them!!

Someone please help!!

Thanks in Advance

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December 19, 2014 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
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  I think your question was answered in another thread... but the short version is -- any image, posted anywhere on the web, can be grabbed in a screenshot, and then the grabber has a JPG of what they see on screen.
The good news at BP at least, images in galleries are limited to approximately 800 pixels maximum in one direction.
So screen-grabs of that will yield a JPG also 800 pixels in one direction... big enough to share on Facebook (where it would basically look the same as at BP) but not realistically big enough to make decent-sized prints.
(As a loose example, an 800-pixel image, if printed at 200dpi, would produce a print ~4 inches on the long side.)
As a precaution, you should also consider putting a watermark/signature on your images before uploading. If you're really concerned about screen grabs showing up all over, you can make the watermark quite "distracting" -- such as placed directly across the center of the image, but slightly faded -- so BP viewers can still appreciate the photo in question, but someone grabbing it will have to have exceptional PS skills to remove all traces of that "invasive" watermark.

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December 21, 2014

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