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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Kristina M. Covey

How to meter subject

How would I meter an indoor shot of my human subject in front of a sunlit white curtained window? Will I get a backlit effect? I am using my cameras internal meter. Also how do I meter same subject in open sunlight on the beach at about 6 pm, I am in San Diego and am assuming there will be no I use my fill flash?

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July 14, 2002


Stephanie Adams
  Hello Kristina. Are you going to use your camera on manual or automatic? If you are going to use manual, you simply need to meter off the persons face. Do this by filling the persons face in the frame(by walking up to them), take the light reading, set your settings and then step back and recompose your shot and take the picture. If you were to just set the settings with the curtain in the frame, you would get a black outline of the person due to the curtain and light being too bright and effecting the light meter. Does this make sense? I hope so. About the beach shot ( I live in s. Cal too by the way!), You can either place the persons head directly infront of the sun, covering the whole sun with the head, and just fire away. This will give a halo effect, or you can do the same as I mentioned above, by walking up to the person to fill the frame and set settings, then stepping back to recompose and fire away. This is of course assuming the sun will behind the model and not you.Good luck, hope it all works out for you!

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July 15, 2002

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