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Photography Question - Christine Greenspan

BetterPhoto Member
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Photoshop cloud

I see Photoshop is offering a subscription to their cloud for 9.99 a month, including lightroom. How does this work? Is it full photoshop? Can you add any plugins or apps you want? I get the idea, but it's a little confusing. Thanks.

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December 10, 2014 - Mary L. Olson

Contact Mary L. Olson
Mary L. Olson's Gallery
  It works just like the regular PS except you will get notices of upgrades as they occur, which you can then download. You can definitely use plug-ins, and they download and work just as they always have. However, when you stop subscribing, you will no longer have access to any CC versions including the one you downloaded. I keep an old version that I bought (CS6) just in case. I have had the subscription in place for more than a year -- including all the Adobe creative applications -- since I use it in my work. I am quite happy with it, since it is comparable in cost IF you had been upgrading frequently. If you are still working on CS2, then you will think this is expensive. And if you are working on a "borrowed" copy of any version (and I am sure that as an honest citizen you are not!), you are one of the reasons Adobe made this change. I believe this is the only way Adobe will be going in the future, so CS6 will be the last non-cloud version. This is the way business software applications have been going for some time -- so we will all be downloading from the cloud or using some very old versions pretty soon. By the way, you can load on two computers -- I have it on my desktop and laptop, but I believe that only one can be active at any time. Hope this helps.

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December 10, 2014 - Christine Greenspan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Christine Greenspan
Christine Greenspan's Gallery
  Yes this helps alot. Thanks so much!

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December 10, 2014

- Irene Colling

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Irene Colling
Irene Colling's Gallery
  Do you always have to have an internet connection to use Photoshop? I would not like that.

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December 12, 2014


Pat Harry
  Irene, no, you do not have to be connected to the internet.

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December 13, 2014

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Here's what I gather. It's isn't really the cloud as it's called, but you download photoshop to your computer. You pay the subscription by the year or month to month.
Having the subscription does allow you the option to store files to adobe's storage cloud, but you can keep your files on your computer as always.
The photoshop program you get from the subscription is on your computer to use as much as you want and the same way, but it does check in to Adobe every 30 days to see if your subscription is paid up. If not, you get locked out of using it.
For people who like to keep their programs up to date, once a year or every two years, the cheapest subscription price may be better than buying the program the old way.

Some legit concerns are the price can be changed at any time, especially if you're going by month to month. It cost less per month to subscribe by the year, but at the end of the year, the price could go up a little or a lot.
You get easier access to all updates and new features, but how many times are new features something that you actually need or can still be done with the old features.
Adobe needing to keep your credit card info for you to keep using photoshop. Servers go down, hacks happen.
Consumers have now become Adobe's beta testers. Some complaints going around that Adobe is releasing photoshop versions with plenty of bugs that you have to then get the fixes and upgrades. Whereas before, they would have to make sure, or at least get most bugs out before it was released to market.
New camera, may have to get new version to support Adobe's camera raw. New compute, your existing version of photoshop may not work and you'll have to subscribe or switch to another program.
Some people think that this will ultimately be better for the consumer because it will at the same time decrease piracy and allow Adobe to not loose so much from that. And also will increase competition due to people looking elsewhere. Some with less piracy and more competition, Adobe will bring the price down for photoshop.

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December 15, 2014

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