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Bill Johnson

DEC. EPs, SFs, Finalists

Time to start the Dec. Comments:

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December 09, 2014


Bill Johnson
  So far today 16 more EP's (and counting?) have been made. They have judged through Dec. 6. as of this posting.

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December 09, 2014

- Joannie Bertucci

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  Autumn Across the Street
Digital Darkroom

Thanks Bill for starting the thread!

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December 09, 2014

- Mitch Spence

BetterPhoto Member
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Mitch Spence's Gallery
  Oh, my. Skips already. Looking bad, like the terribly spotty EPs last month (and I wonder if we'll get a second look for November--as we did not for October). Anyway, yes an EP for the 6th in Travel and Place and everything before that apparently skipped.

The Ringling Parlor

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December 09, 2014


Bill Johnson
  Mitch, there are reports from some about getting Nov eps just yesterday and in my case it was from an entry made on Nov. 1. So we may have seen or be seeing that second look right now.

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December 09, 2014


Bill Johnson
  28 more EP's just awarded for Dec. 6 and before. Hope you got one.

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December 09, 2014

- Nikki McDonald

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Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  My profile exactly, Mitch, except my single EP was on the 5th with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th skipped.

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December 09, 2014


Bill Johnson
  It's a bit quiet in the judging right now, but so far today they have awarded about 350 EP's. I suspect about 100 EP's went to the Nov. second pass. Yes, there was a second pass today. Hope you got some. They also judged Dec. 7 and 8. So they are up-to-date as of today Dec. 9.

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December 09, 2014

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
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Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  So far, my only EP is for the 8th. Worst start ever. Oh well, maybe in the second round.......

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December 09, 2014

- Usman M. Bajwa

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  Dec 1st and Dec 8th caught the eye of the picker in my case.


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December 09, 2014

- Peggy Pfister

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Peggy Pfister's Gallery
  For me for December ... nada, zip, zilch, nothing, nary a one.
I am going to believe that they haven't completely judged all the December days yet, as the alternative is just too depressing. That's my reality and I'm sticking to it, LOL!

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December 10, 2014

- Bob Cournoyer

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Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  One for me on Dec 4th, and it was an un-EPd resub from October.... That makes 1 out of 6... :-(

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December 10, 2014

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  I just keep on entering but here's the low down.
12-1 Skipped (again)
12-2 Skipped
12-3 Skipped
12-4 Skipped
12-5 Skipped
12-6 Skipped
12-7 EP Details and Macro "Leaf Surfing"
12-8 Skipped ( if the day has been judged)
12-9 ?
12-10 ?

Pretty depressing.

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December 10, 2014


Sharon Day
  I am skipping December. Maybe January will be better :).

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December 11, 2014


Bill Johnson
  So far, they've only judged up Dec. 8 and we don't know how complete that judging has been. Remember they just added about 500 plus EP's to Nov. with the second time around.

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December 11, 2014


Monnie Ryan
  Zero for me so far in December with 10 entries out of 11 days. Even if it's my last month here, it's still disappointing.

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December 11, 2014


Bill Johnson
  They added at least 125 new EP"s today but they covered both the 9th and 10th.

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December 11, 2014

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
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Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  Just got one for the Dec 10 for N&L.


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December 11, 2014

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
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Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  I wanted to write a manifesto but decided against it. Just feeling low. I wish I knew what I was doing wrong.

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December 12, 2014 - Mary L. Olson

Contact Mary L. Olson
Mary L. Olson's Gallery
  Harriet, I doubt that you are doing anything wrong. Please remember that EPs or winners are selected based on the opinions of one or two people. You don't know who they are or how well qualified they are to judge. Jim Miotke says they are pros, but that is an extremely broad definition which includes the people who take those awful school pictures. Even if we assume the judge or judges are well qualified, personal preferences come into play. Judges like different things. And they make mistakes. They are human. I once sent the same image to two different teachers to review. They both liked it pretty well, but one said the lighting was a little off and and the other said the lighting was great, but I needed more depth of field. I left the image the way it was. It was mine; it said what I wanted it to say, and every time I look at it it takes me back to Paris. Never a bad thing. :-)

Where you can go wrong is to try to change your style or taste to meet the tastes of these unknown judges or even of your buddies on the site.

This contest should be fun and not angst-producing. It's a game. I would hope that you never let it dampen the real joy, which is found in making images that speak from your heart.

My best wishes to you.

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December 12, 2014

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  Thank you, Mary. Your kind words did, indeed, cheer me up. I appreciate the thought and effort put forth.

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December 12, 2014

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Harriet, you're not doing anything wrong. Nor is anyone else that participates in the contest, that's seeing a decline in their EPs, doing anything wrong.

Your photography skills are fine. The answer is simply...BP's EP rate has gone down considerably from it's heyday when 75% of contest entries got an EP.

I checked all contest entries on the 9th of December, from 1201AM to 11:59AM...a 1/2 day. I could only check those photos uploaded/entered on the 9th. There were 79 photos uploaded during the 12hr period and 23 had an EP and 56 didn't. That's an EP rate of 29%. Very low.

Let's assume you (generic) upload 15 photos to the contest each month. If the EP rate is 75%, then on average that equates to 11EPs. But now, the rate is 29%. Of your 15 contest entries, you now get 4 EPs. I'm sure your photo skills are the same, but you only got 4 EPs. It doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong. It just means BP's rate is much lower than before. I can't tell you why BP is handing out less EPs, and I realize many people equate the drop-off to declining quality on their part which isn't true. My EP count has tailed off just like everyone else's.

I totally agree with Mary's bottom line that the contest should be fun and not angst-producing. Life is too short to let BP's lower EP rate rob our joy of photography.

Harriet, you are a gifted photographer. Keep on shooting and posting your super work. If it gets an EP, then great. If not, then your next beautiful photo may. Just remember, WE are all in the same boat with declining EPs.

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December 12, 2014

- Joannie Bertucci

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joannie Bertucci
Joannie Bertucci's Gallery
  Amen Ken! I've seen some of the most amazing images here without EP's Harriet and it is not because the quality of the images have fallen...Like Ken said it has happened to all of us!
Hang in there girl friend your work rocks! :-)

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December 12, 2014

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  Ken and Joannie, thank you for the encouraging words. It is the wonderful people here at BP that makes it all worthwhile. Thanks again.

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December 12, 2014

- Claudia Kuhn

BetterPhoto Member
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Claudia Kuhn's Gallery
  years ago, I used to get a lot of flower finalists and beyond... now I don't even get an Editors Pick on any flower shots. Go figure.

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December 13, 2014

- Claudia Kuhn

BetterPhoto Member
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Claudia Kuhn's Gallery
  oh, and I have EPs for Dec. 7, 8, & 10th

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December 13, 2014

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  Well said Mary and Ken.


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December 13, 2014


Pat Harry
  December has not been a great month for me! However, I've been reworking old images, rather than shooting new ones. Maybe this will make me get my tail in gear, and go shoot some new images!

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December 14, 2014


Bill Johnson
  Nothing's been judged yet since the 10th so don't think you've been passed over. Might see something today or tomorrow.

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December 18, 2014


Bill Johnson
  About 16 EPs added today, but probably nothing later than Dec. 10th.

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December 26, 2014

- Jill Odice

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Jill Odice

So far I only got one EP, but have not been entering every day due to holiday stuff and my husband breaking his wrist...:-( The judges sure will have their work cut out for them with all the gorgeous images they will be going through to catch up!

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December 27, 2014

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