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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
- Peggy Pfister

BetterPhoto Member
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Spam photo

There is a spam photo in the Digital Darkroom category called "Vanguard tripods" by Optics4 Birding. I tried to report it using the "report this photo" link but got an error.

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December 04, 2014


Kerry Drager
  Thanks Peggy, it's all gone now!

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December 04, 2014

- Joannie Bertucci

BetterPhoto Member
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  Love your detective work Peggy! :-)

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December 04, 2014


Monnie Ryan
  Another one today advertising bodybuilding supplements...

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December 17, 2014


Monnie Ryan
  And I also got an error message when I tried to report it.

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December 17, 2014

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
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  Error messages here, too, when trying to report spam.

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December 18, 2014

- Irene Colling

BetterPhoto Member
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Irene Colling's Gallery
  More spam. A teeth photo advertising a dental office has been uploaded. The "photographer" doesn't seem to even have a gallery. Don't people have to be a paid member in order to upload pictures and enter the contest?

Got an error message when I clicked report this image.

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December 18, 2014


Monnie Ryan
  Just saw it - reminded me of Melodie's monthly entry on TKW Day. Not that long ago there was a free contest-only membership option with a limit of 30 photos per month. Don't know if that's still in effect, but if it is, this kind of thing would be easy peasy. I don't advise clicking on the photo or "member" name, though.

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December 19, 2014

- Irene Colling

BetterPhoto Member
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Irene Colling's Gallery
  I hear you Monnie. I hesitated about clicking to open the photo but I was curious to see if maybe it was a legitimate entry. Then I wondered if this person had real pictures in a gallery and this one was for a before and after BP class.

I won't do that again.

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December 19, 2014

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