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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
- Lydia Williams

BetterPhoto Member
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Mail notifications

Is anyone else having a problem with receiving comments on their images. I have double and triple checked my settings both at profile and at individual images...and all are on! ???

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November 25, 2014

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  I think I'm getting comments again, Lydia - I don't get many but some have come through. But there were a few days when they did not come at all - it was when they were having the problem with multiple comments going out on the same discussion. There are a lot of bugs in the system and I know they're working on them. None of us have gotten email notifications of forum thread activity since they changed over to the new BP either, even though we faithfully check the box to get them.

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November 25, 2014


Anita Hogue
  Maybe go back in My Profile/notifications and you might find your notifications have been turned off. That what I found in my profile. I clicked to turn on and started getting all the notifications. Hope this helps.

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November 25, 2014


Anita Hogue
  Well, I just saw where you checked an all your notifications and they were on. Didn't read all your comment. Must be another problem. Because mine are working fine now......I think!!!!!

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November 25, 2014


Eivor Kuchta
  I don't get any notifications either. Just checked my profile and they are set for on. I asked to get the POTD letter every day, but never get it now, not even once a week.

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November 26, 2014


Dalne M. Dola
  I wondered if something happened to the site since rare POTD's, comments, and no acknowledgement of course completion has been received. Seems unusual!

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November 27, 2014

- Lydia Williams

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Lydia Williams
Lydia Williams's Gallery
  Thank you all, I never received a message that there were answers here....I have double and triple checked everything....I have been getting a few now and then when I comment on someone's image, but none when there are comments on mine. I too signed up for the daily POTD and have not received one yet...since the bug thing...Hope this gets fixed soon...I wrote them, and they told me to check my settings....arggh...

Thanks again to all of you..I appreciate your comments very much....I see I am not the only one with this problem.

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November 29, 2014


Eivor Kuchta
  Still no notifications on my own entries, and no POTD letters either. I've checked everything. How about the rest of you, are you getting them? Maybe I need to sign up for a weekly POTD letter instead of a daily. But it would be nice to get notifications when people comment on my photos.

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December 01, 2014


Thomas A. Statas
  The last POTD I received was November 12, 2014.. It is now Dec 2, 2014... Something is broken... No Photo Comments are being received either. My ISP is Comcast, and Support thinks Comcast is blocking as Spam.. Sounds unusual since nothing has changed to my knowledge and others are having the same issue. I can only hope BP uncovers and fixes this issue soon.

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December 02, 2014

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
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  I'm getting comments on my own photos, but nothing still from the QnA. I know they are turned on, but still nothing.

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December 02, 2014

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  I don't think they want to "fix" the Q&A notification system, Carolyn.

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December 02, 2014

- Lydia Williams

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Lydia Williams
Lydia Williams's Gallery
  No comments received and no daily POTD either yet...Checked everything again....thank you all for responding...I sent another message. to BP..

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December 03, 2014

- Lydia Williams

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Lydia Williams
Lydia Williams's Gallery
  Received an answer from BP....I guess it's Comcast.
Sorry, but there is an issue with email addresses for BetterPhoto members. We have submitted a request to Comcast to stop blocking BP addresses.

Many of the auto-notifications (for photo discussions, Forum Q&A comments, etc.) and newsletters are affected.

Note: There are several different BetterPhoto addresses, and not all are impacted in the same way. That's why you may receive some of our emails and not others.

We have no time estimate on when Comcast will stop "blacklisting" (or blocking) -- and start "whitelisting" (unblocking) -- BetterPhoto emails.

Hope this is resolved soon....I find it very frustrating.

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December 03, 2014


Eivor Kuchta
  I finally contacted BP and they suggested the same to me, that it is Comcast's fault. It seems strange that I do get notifications if I have commented on other people's photos and someone else is commenting after me. That is if I forget to uncheck the box for that, which I usually try to do with other people's photos. Still no POTD letters. I think they stopped coming about the time we had the option to choose between daily and weekly.

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December 03, 2014


Sharon Day
  I am not getting email notifications on the Q&A. I get them for comments, I guess. I try to check my photos for comments so if I don't get a notification I probably don't notice.

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December 03, 2014

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  I have and some of my bp stuff gets sent to spam, some of it comes on through. Very annoying as it's extremely irksome to check spam - have to go to webmail to do that.

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December 03, 2014

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