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Photography Question 

Allison Wingrove

The Best Ways to Market Yourself as A Photographer

I, of course, have dreams of being a photographer. Certain dreams. I mainly want to work with people, in nature environments. I also want to travel as much as possible. Yet, I also have a small interest in forensics. I know the big thing to do, is to just market myself and that will bring me higher in the industry. I do for right now have a photography page on facebook. But I feel like I need some tips on how to do it to get high and make my dreams come true. I am also planning on going to college to get a BFA in photography, but I don't know what to do after that.

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November 18, 2014

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  Go to college and major in something that you can for sure make a living with. Minor in the photography if possible. Journalism would be something to look at possibly. Reality is this. There are millions of great photographers. If you don't believe it just scan through the galleries here at BP. Then go to some other sites where art is sold and see the thousands and thousands of photos that are for sale. I taught for 40 years and am able to AFFORD the equipment and the travel but only because I saved up for it. Now, I don't photograph people but I belong to a club with members who do. A GOOD wedding photographer can make a decent living. You start by doing free shoots for friends and do as much as you can outside until you can afford the studio equipment. While working at your day job you can moonlight with weddings, family portraits, sports teams etc... until you can make a decent living. It is hard. The term "starving artist" is true. Photography is an art. It is hard to made a good living with it but....not impossible. Just be realistic. Someone said, "A goal without a plan is just a wish" . Get a plan.

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November 20, 2014


Allison Wingrove
  Thank you! That helps a lot! :)

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November 25, 2014

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