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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

how to shoot stars/night sky

i have a Nikon F80. the other night I tried in vain to take a photo of the stars using Bulb function. in auto the camera couldnt recognise that it was focused (i think due to the speed light) even with the stars being focused/clear. even in mannual settings the camera wouldn't let me take a photo. the same thing occured in every exposure mode. i'm only new to this camera, is my problem due to a setting. if so what would I need to set things to.

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July 14, 2002


Stephanie Adams
  Hi claire, I am not an expert, but I do think that if you use "B" you will only get star trails and not actual pictures of stars, due to the earth moving. I am not sure what to tell you about your camera and settings. Have you tried taking a picture without it set to bulb? You would need a tripod for sure, but that is all I can really help with. I hope someone else knows more about your camera and can help. Good luck and hope I helped a little.

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July 15, 2002


  hey, I have a nikon d80 and I too had this prob;lem. to shoot stars u have to be in M mode and set the speed at bulb or B . but u have to keep the button pressed as long as u need the shutter opened or use a remote...

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August 26, 2008


Samuel Smith
bulb can be used.however if you want pics of stars use aperture priority and set to f8,let the camera set the exposure.
this can take from .07 secs to 5 -7 secs depending on the light,iso and the lens in use.
bulb can only be used in manual,so you pick the length the shutter is open.if you know what your doing?yes,tripod and remote release...
unless proficient with a tripod,remote release and exposure don't venture into bulb..even with fireworks.
or a tripod and self timer.

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August 27, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  If you go to Wal-mart, you can purchase a fairly inexpensive telescope with a battery operated drive unit. I bought one at a garage sale (telescope not included) for a quarter. You can, if the drive is not equipped, easily change the mounting screw for the telescope to a quarter inch/20 thread screw. this is the screw you will need for your tripod socket. These drives are designed to follow objects in space, giving you very clear images.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

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August 28, 2008

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