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Photography Question 

Adam Bolt

When Is It Best To Photograph Cars?

My friend has spent quite a deal of money on his car and has asked me to take some photos for him. Although I was happy with the shots that I took, I think they can still be improved. These were taken about an hour before sunset but I am now thinking that taking them at dusk so that there is very even lighting will work well. Add to this I think a slight overexposure with a warming filter, and maybe the lights turned on, would bring the best out. As I haven't had much experience in this area any feed back would help. See photos for some idea.
Thanks Adam

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July 14, 2002


Allison Rose
  I think you picked a good time of day, but your subject is the car, you need to either center the car, or go in closer... just my opinion...

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July 18, 2002


  When I do car shows I always use a polarizer (glare on windows) and I enjoy using a multi-image (either 3 or 7) filter. Also, if you shoot from hood level you get a "meaner" looking shot. I usually will do one of these head-on, front driver's side angle and rear passenger's side angle as well as straight on from the rear. I do ALL of them - filter shots, too - from hood level or lower. Always get the fenders completely in the frame and try turning the camera on an angle to make the car look as though it's trying to drive out the corner. I also like to get way above (ladder, balcony, etc.). If you plan on selling photos to the car mag.'s, they DO NOT like them on grass! Dirt, gravel, pavement, etc. is okay - just NOT grass. I don't know why, but it is so. You've made a very good start. Keep it up!


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July 18, 2002


Adam Bolt
  Thanks for your post guys. Unfortunately the lab that scans my photos only cover about 90% of the frame, so I often get bits cut out from the frame or they look too squashed in. The negs do have the full body of the car in the shot with room around the edges. Although, the shot of the car side on could have had the level of the water in the background placed better in the frame (not dead centre).
Do wide angle or med tele lens work best to photograph cars. I think that shots from above would look best with a widey and shots from hood height or lower would be best with a tele lens, any ideas?
Cheers Adam

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July 19, 2002


j lucius estes
  Adam, hello. When I am experimenting on trying to find the best way to photograph anything I take notes as to what settings I used, film, angle, etc. That way when my slides come back I can compare them to the notes I have and make changes. As far as for your lab cropping your photos; when I use print film I ALWAYS have them run a test picture first. If you can not do this and you are not happy with the results let them know and do not accept the pictures. Tell them to rerun them and let them know what you are unhappy with. After all you are the customer in this instance. On location and time of day also try early morning. I mean early when the sun is not yet over the horizon. At that time you can turn on the lights and get a pleasing effect or go into town at night and photograph it with the lights on combined with the ambient light from businesses would produce a nice shot. Hope this has helped you and experiment. It pays off.
J Lucius Estes
Lou's Freelance Photography
Westport, WA

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July 29, 2002


Scott Watson
Passenger side.

Scott Watson

  Clubsport Coupe
Clubsport Coupe
Photoshop helped make this a 2 door with 20 inch wheels

Scott Watson

Hi Adam,
I think your shots look great (for a Ford). As one of the other guy's said, the car is the focus of the photograph so I like to use less depth of field so the background doesn't detract from the subject matter. Also try from some different angles. Darren has spent many many hours getting those lines smooth so take some of the flank of the car straiht down the side. I have attached a couple of shots I took of my Uncle's car.

Hope this helps,

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August 04, 2002

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