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Photography Question 

Stacey Holt

Turning photographs into paintings

Does anyone know how to make a color photograph look like a painting. I have one from my wedding and it looks as if a wet medium was brushed on then dried. Any thoughts on how to do this?

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July 12, 2002


Leo Enriquez
  You could find your answer in a photo software like photoshop or some other software from corel, but some photsoftware are quite expensive, but worth the money!...The one from Corel (one of the best I believe) is around $600.00 dollars I think, and could be used for photo and video, with unlimited possibilites for you to create and to modify a picture!...

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July 13, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I've seen photographs that were printed and then painted on with various types of paint. Finding a paint/paper combination that allows the paint to adhere the way you want is the key. There are also retouching dyes that are designed for photo paper that can be used. Experiment.

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July 13, 2002


Michelle B. Prince
  Can photoshop do the same job as corel painter?

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May 26, 2006


Liza M. Franco
  I did a 16x20 bridal portrait once that had actual swirled brushstrokes per the brides request. I used a product called "Golden Gel Mediums, Regular Gel (Gloss)" It worked great!!! I honestly can't remember if I purchased it from a photography store or an arts and crafts store. I really think it may have been an arts and crafts store though. There is a website listed on the product though, It goes on milky looking but dries transparent. My client and I were really happy with the results. It is also water and UV resistant when dry, and soap and water clean up for brushes.

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May 26, 2006

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