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BetterPhoto Member

Camera Lenses


I happened across your book at Barnes and Noble and have found it to be a great help! Thanks.

I am trying to research a SLR to purchase and have researched your book, this site, and various spots on the net. I think I am leaning towards the Nikon N65. The only question I have is in regards to the lens type. I have seen many bundled packages with various lens brands - quantary, nikon, timor (sp?) and wondered what you recommend? I did see another posting on your site that suggested the lenses that come with the bundled kits are usually entry level and that it would be wise to step up in the lens if possible. Any assistance you could provide to navigate this issue would be much appreciated.

Jen Wells
Nashville, TN

P.S. I found a N65 with a Sigma 28-200 Hypo zoom macro for $519 as well as N65 with a Nikon 28-80 and 70-300 for $449 on any thoughts?

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July 10, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I don't have any direct experience with the N65 or any of those lenses. But I can tell you that, in general, it is best to avoid the SUPER ZOOMS like 28-200's. Typically, the wider the range of the zoom the poorer the lens. In addition to that (and this is just my opinion) you are best off sticking with the OEM lenses. I've heard good things about some Sigmas and Tamrons etc., but I still don't think they are as good as the original Nikons or Canons. Of the two outfits you mention I don't think you can go wrong with the second one.

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July 11, 2002


  Jen, I have a N65/F65 and found the 28mm-80mm lens a good all-rounder. I bought a 'close-up' lens for $40.00 here in Australia and must get CLOSE TO SUBJECT (No:4 only.) a booklet came out perfect. No experience with 200-300 lenses. john

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July 12, 2002 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  Hi Jen,

John and Jeff are right on the target. All you need to get going is a quality mid-range zoom (i.e. in the 28-80 range). Although many people are perfectly happy with third-party lenses, I am in the same camp as Jeff - I prefer the lens made by the company that made the camera. To me, the amount saved is very little compared to the quality. But again, many others disagree and love their Sigma and Tamron lenses.

Hope this helps!

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August 01, 2002

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