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BetterPhoto Member

Which is better camera: EOS Rebel 2000 or Maxxum 5

camera: EOS Rebel 2000 or Maxxum 5

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July 10, 2002


  THE Maxxum 5 is far better than the Rebel 2000. "5"=3fps.faster + A/F.ETC.
BETTER MADE . (Ihave an N 65/F 65 LARGER & I beleive,better than both)
(2.5 fps.)& enough. John W.

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July 11, 2002


John A. Lind
Neither is "better" than the other. See this similar question that was asked a few days ago:

-- John

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July 11, 2002


  to:Doug Nelson. thanks,for letter-can you enlighten me "about-N65/F65 having 'metal-body & plastic outside covering? (the Genuine source etc?

I tried Email to no avail.perhaps address is wrong? I have 65 & know that=has"plastic-pressure-plate,film-guides & rails,+lens-ring! (i can't locate anything that informs it has 'metal-body'?)have contacted 'sydney (AUST)could ONLY state "some inside parts are metal".perhaps you can enlighten me More? John

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July 12, 2002

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