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Photography Question 

Eliza J.

TC's or Telephoto?

I heard that adding a teleconverter to a telephoto lens greatly reduces the quality of the picture. They mentioned terms like sharp or dull lenses..and that you shouldn't add a TC to a dull lense. I don't really understand what that means. Also, is it recommended to add a TC onto a telephoto? I currently have a Minolta AF 70-210 tele. lens and also a standard 35-80.n Thank you.

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July 09, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I've never heard of a lens referred to as dull but I assume it is one that is low contrast and not as sharp as it should be. It is true that a TC will reduce image quality. That being the case, the better the lens you start with the better off you will be. IOW, if it's a good lens then the reduction in quality will not be as noticeable as it would be with a poor lens. I have no idea how good your lenses are so I can't really tell you how it will work with your setup. Bear in mind that when you use a TC you effectively slow down your lens. Therefore, if your lens' max aperture is f4.0 and you put a 2x TC on it you in effect change your max aperture to f8.0 (2 stop loss). Which means that you now have to slow your shutter down 2 stops to make up the difference. Something to consider.

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July 09, 2002


Eliza J.
  Thank you very much, Jeff; that clears up a lot for me.

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July 10, 2002

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