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BetterPhoto Member

Solving the Nikon N80*, N90* mystery

I'm confused about the suffexes on the Nikon N80 and N90 SLR's. The N80 show an N80, N80QD and N80s while the 90 shows N90 and N90s. There may also be others in this group that I am not awair of. Any help about unraveling the mystery would be appreciated.

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July 08, 2002


John A. Lind
  N80 vs. N80 QD:
AFIK, the only difference between the N80 (intro in 2000) and the N80 QD is the latter has a date back (QD = Quartz Date).

N90 vs. N90s:
The N90 (1992) uses two CR5 batteries and can sequence at 3.6 fps. The N90s (1994) uses four AA batteries and can sequence at 4.3 fps. AFIK, all other features are similar.

-- John

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July 09, 2002

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