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Photography Question 

Elizabeth A. Holmes

No Images

I just spent an entire day taking the greatest pictures - I thought. I can't tell you how dissapointed I was when I went to the 1hour (I know, I know...but I was so anxious!) Anyway, both rolls have absolutely nothing on them. The manager showed me the negatives and they appeared to be clear. Please tell me it's possible they did "something" wrong and it probably is not my brand new Nikon N65.
Thanks. Ann

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July 07, 2002


Steve A. Stephens
  well..two things coulda is that the film never wound on the takeup reel and thus was never exposed...or was exposed during the processing phase of the instructions on film winding and loading again to make sure your doing it right...go out and shoot some test pic's and take it to a different of luck...

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December 01, 2003


Peggy Wolff
  This happened to me when I first bought all my studio lights. They kept coming back absolutly blank. It ended up being that the cord was plugged in upside down (there is no way of telling what is right side up)and somehow the sinc was going off but not working with the camera correctly. Are you working with a light meter to make sure that your shutter speed and F-stops are correct? I would take one more roll of film and do so some of them on auto, some of them on your appature prefference and some with shutter preference and see if it makes a difference. Then have a different lab process them (Sams club is cheap and has a one hour)and see if they still come out clear. Then if they do bring back your new camera with the 3 rolls of film and show them.

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December 18, 2003

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  clear negatives and visible negative numbers means the film wasn't loaded correctly, not the lab. Or could be that the shutter wasn't opening at all, but my bet is that the film wasn't loaded correctly.
But if there's a hint of something there, then your exposure is way off by about 3-4 f/stops for some reason.

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December 18, 2003

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