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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Viewing software

I'm searching for a viewing software which enables adding coments and descriptions with pictures. If there is possibile I would like to have pictures in standard format (jpg) and comments in a separate (txt) file.

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July 04, 2002


Ann Texter
  I have the Jasc Paint Shop Photo Album 4 which has been really great for photo managing plus so much more. It has a separate area where you can put your own information about each photo. I personally do not use that, but the option is available.
I have always said if the Jasc Software company needed a person to pitch there products, it would be me. I absolutely love their products and have enjoyed them a lot. It's also reasonalbly priced I think it's down to $40.00 now.
Hope that helps.


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December 17, 2003

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