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BetterPhoto Member

Leaving Shutter Open

I've been reading up on shooting fireworks, but I'm confused and can't find the answer in my owner's manual. I have a Nikon N65 and can't find how to leave the shutter open for long periods of time to get the whole shot. I'm a work in progress here and any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!


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July 03, 2002


Pat Lowe
  I have a Nikon N80. On it, there is a shutter speed setting called "bulb". The shutter will stay open until you take your finger off the shutter release button. It is recommended you use a cable release to reduce vibration and blur.

Hope this helps.


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July 03, 2002


James W. McMillen
  I also have a n65. If you will look in your owners manual on page 60. Ther it tells you how to do it. With the n65 once you have the settings right you press the button once to open the shutter, and press it again to close it.
Hope this helped.

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July 06, 2002

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