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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Why can't I get negatives?

I'm new to the whole darkroom scene and it seems I can't get anything right. I follow all the instructions and always end up with black film. There's nothing but black. The closest I've come is on my first role there was about 3 inches of a darker shade, that's it. I've gone through three roles so far... am I not mixing the chemicals properly? This is really getting discourging. I've taken some really great shots and I couldn't manage to develop them.

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July 02, 2002


doug Nelson
  If you develop film that has not been exposed, it'd come out clear. If it's all black, including the sprocket holes, then it was completely exposed to light before the chemicals ever hit it. Are you opening the film cassette and loading the film onto the reel in total darkness? If not, it could be your problem. We all make mistakes when we're learning. We'll try to find yours.

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July 06, 2002

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