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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to shoot through glass window

I have just purchased an Olympus D-40Z after owning fully automatic cameras for years, and am trying to learn to use the manual settings to overcome photographicaly difficult subjects, in particular, how can I take a good picture through a glass window, either from inside looking out at a distance, or from outside at a shop window display.

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June 30, 2002


Randy Brown
  The usual solution is a polarizing filter. Unfortunately with a rangefinder camera you can't tell what the filter is doing.

The next best thing is to put the camera very close to the window, and don't use flash which will not work anyway. (Short range on most built in flashes)


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July 01, 2002


John A. Lind
A polarizer can work, but with certain limitations. Randy's right about not being able to tell what the filter is doing if attempting to adjust it while it's on the lens and looking through an optical viewfinder.

Polarizers were used on TLR's, viewfinder and rangefinder cameras before SLR's existed. If you look at a polarizer, you'll find a white dot or other index mark on its rotating ring. How it was (and still is) used:
(a) Hold the polarizer up to the eye and rotate the ring for the desired effect.
(b) Note the position of the index mark on the rotating ring.
(c) Install the polarizer on the taking lens and rotate the ring until the index mark is in the same position previously noted.

Polarizers have maximum effect at specific angles to the reflective surface, and it's dependent on the surface's index of refraction. For glass, it's between 30 and 60 degrees. Faced directly head-on to the glass surface, at 90 degrees, a polarizer has *zero* effect. If you desire to photograph through the glass head-on a polarizer will not help. It must be done at an angle to the glass.

-- John

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July 04, 2002

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