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Photography Question 

Karen Kennedy

Shooting with Fill Flash

When shooting with fill flash during the day outdoors in manual mode do you have to use the sync speed of your camera (i.e., mine is 60)?

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June 30, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Yes, otherwise only a portion of your frame will be lit by the flash and it may not be the portion you want. Now I will qualify that by saying that some of the new flash/camera combos allow for high speed sync but it doesn't sound like that's an option for you.

If you are finding it difficult to use flash as fill because the ambient light is too bright to allow slow enough shutter speeds you have a couple of options. First you can put a filter (polariser or neutral density filter) on your lens to cut out some of the light. Or you can forget about the fill flash and use a reflector.

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June 30, 2002


Romen Vargas
  Hi Karen,
Jeff is right in all he said. I just thought however that I'd add that you can use a SLOWER shutter speed. 1/60th second is the fastest shutterspeed you can use but nothing is stopping you from using a slower shutterspeed.

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July 01, 2002

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