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Photography Question 


What to meter when shooting weddings

I will be shooting a wedding this summer and have some concerns about metering correctly. I will be using both color film and black and white. I am mainly concerned about the black and white. In order to keep the blacks black and the whites white, what should I meter for?

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June 27, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  What should you meter for or what should you meter? My first question is what kind of meter are you using? I will assume it is the reflective meter in your camera. If that is the case, what you should meter for (generally speaking) are the shadows. Try to shoot under even light so you don't have to worry too much about highlights and shadows though. What you should meter - you can't go wrong metering faces and opening a stop (assuming these are white people) or meter the white dress and open two stops. Better yet get yourself a ambient light meter and then you won't have to worry about it.

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June 27, 2002

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