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Romen Vargas

Difference between Compact Flash Card Types

Does anyone know the difference between Compact Flash Cards Type I and Type II?? All I can see is that 1 is thicker than the other and that Type II's tend to cost more. Are they faster, tougher, or what?

thanks in advanced

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June 26, 2002


Lem Metro
CP type II are faster, hold up to 1GB of information (2GB on the way) and are not compatible with digicams that only accept type I cards. Some of the newer compact zoom cameras accept both types and even support IBM microdrives. A nice feature for future expansion as memory prices continue to drop.

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August 15, 2002


Lem Metro
Great buy, but lacks compact Flash type II support

Lem Metro

CP type II are faster, hold up to 1GB of information (2GB on the way) and are not compatible with digicams that only accept type I cards. Some of the newer compact zoom cameras accept both types and even support IBM microdrives. A nice feature for future expansion as memory prices continue to drop.

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August 15, 2002

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