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Photography Question 

Albert Guevara

what flash to use

I am thinking of taking the plunge to the medium format, especially since you can now purchase a whole kit from mamiya for $800, however, I have read that this body is poorly constructed. I can't afford rightnow to purchase the next level up, would it be better to wait, or is this 645e model good enough for practice/real shoots. And lastly, can I use my canon 550ex flash with it?

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June 26, 2002


Dede Carver
Just now considering a medium format camera and also have a 550. I am curious as to what you decided. Would you mind sharing? De

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February 01, 2003


Albert Guevara
  Hello Dede... I know many people will have different opinions but, as far as my own personal experience, I can tell you that this mamiya 645e was a very good investment and I am very happy with it. Of course, it's like going back to the manual 35mm, but for the price you pay for it, I would do it again !!! The lens you get with the kit is sharp, I use it mainly for posed shots and it has not let me down... using the canon 550ex on manual mode using my light meter has been flawless, or course you have to know what you are doing, but if you have basic knowledge about exposure, you'll do can get a hasselblad with auto focus, auto exposure, auto everything, but you'll pay over $ 7k by the time you are ready to shoot, but for $ 799 with the rapid winder on this mamiya, I just can't complain... I would recommend getting a cable release as the mirror slap on this 645e is bad, but that's the only real complain that I have. Now about the 550, a stofen diffuser is highly recommended.

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February 03, 2003

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