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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Course Selection

I'm not sure which online course would be best for me. I have a Nikon N80 and don't know how to use it to it's fullest. I mostly take pictures of my children (football, baseball, and baby pictures). What course would you recommend I take?

Carla Cooper

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June 26, 2002


  I am sure there are a lot of good courses out there. It just happen I am taking the course from New York Institue of Photography. It's a complete home study course for professional photographers. Even though I do not intend to be professional, I found this course very good. Take a look at their web site. You may even learn a lot from it.

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June 27, 2002


Tom Darmody

Technical details of a camera can be learned by reading the manual, related books (Magic Lantern Guides) and experimentation.

Your money would be much better spent taking art classes, take first level art history, theory, drawing, and painting classes. This will give you a solid foundation to build on.
Then take some “hands on” photography classes where you’ll get invaluable lab time. You can take night school classes at local community colleges for a fraction of the cost and a much better understanding of the craft.

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June 28, 2002


Pat Lowe
  I also have a Nikon N80 and take a lot of pictures of my son playing baseball and doing other things outside. I bought the Magic Lantern Guide that Tom mentions. You may have to look at the online bookstores to find the one for the N80 but it is worth buying. It showed me a lot about my camera I didn't know.

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July 03, 2002

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