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Photography Question 

Sheila Blankenship


Is it possible to get good enlargements using a N80 Nikon camera? I may need a 11 x 14 from time to time and definitely will need 8 x 10's. I want to be able to get great enlargements but want to use a fully automatic camera. I will be doing senior portraits (indoor & out). I have studio lighting set up in my home but don't want to learn how to use a more complicated camera than the one listed above.

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June 26, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  The model of camera you use has very little to do with the image quality. A camera is basically a light tight box that holds the film. The quality of your lens is what determines image quality. But, if you are going to charge people to do portraits you should probably learn the craft of photography. A manual camera is not more complicated. Learning correct exposure isn't difficult it just takes time and practice.

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June 27, 2002


Tom Darmody
  [quote]But, if you are going to charge people to do portraits you should probably learn the craft of photography.[/quote]

I 2nd that!

People wonder why it's so hard to make a living as a photographer...

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June 28, 2002


Sheila Blankenship
  To Tom D.
So much for your holier than thou attitude. I have practiced for 7 years taking photos and have spent much money on equipment, film, developing, etc.
I have shot ball teams, cheerleaders, homecoming courts, and more. This year alone I did photos for over 30 seniors that could not afford to go elsewhere. My cost to them was nothing! Some of the seniors that had gone elsewhere came to me to retake their photos because my photos were better than the "professional ones" that they had paid for. I have not charged anyone mentioned above (cheerleaders, ballteams, etc.) because I was learning and gaining experience. I have done several weddings (and been called to do many more that I couldn't do due to my schedule at work) and only charged them the cost of developing the film. Why?
For experience. I have an eye for photography and a love for it. No, I'm not trying to take a job away from a professional. I'm just doing something I love and have used the things listed above to learn more about what I love to do. "Learn the craft...?????????

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June 28, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  With all due respec Sheila, learning the craft means understanding how to use a camera and how photography works (ie. exposure). Whether you charge high fees or not, don't you think you owe it to the people who hire you to do as good a job as you possibly can? " don't want to learn how to use a more complicated camera" - That tells me you don't care enough to be the best you can be. You may very well have an eye for photography. But an eye alone won't help you solve more technical issues you may run into that could mean the difference between a successful job and a failure. You may have gotten by with all auto so far but believe me you will run into a situation eventually where you will be required to use some photographic knowledge that the camera can't figure out for you. What then?

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June 28, 2002


Sheila Blankenship
Your reply was nicer than the one before you and does make me stop & think. I have several books on photography (10 at least) so I think I'll get them out and start reading and then start practicing more. (Believe it or not I am now looking forward to learning more about this!) I have a very demanding job & have only taken photos as a hobby in my spare time & I probably was thinking I didn't have the time but I will take time & see what happens. Thanks!

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June 28, 2002


Tom Darmody

Sorry you feel that way.

I wish you well.

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June 28, 2002


Sheila Blankenship
  Tom D.
Sorry , guess I over-reacted. I guess I'll have to try learning more.

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June 28, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  How 'bout a group hug you guys? ;-)))

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June 29, 2002

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