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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to print out 4x6 digital photos

My images look so big on my monitor and print out very large. How can I send them over the internet in 4x6, and print them out that way. I have a 3.3 megapixel olympus 304o.

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June 25, 2002


doug Nelson
  Open your photos in your imaging software. For most people, I recommend Adobe Elements.

There will be a screen in your software to size your image. Tell it you want 6" across the long dimension, and it will automatically scale the short side to somewhere around 4.

Excellent choice of a digital camera, BTW. You can get beautiful digital prints from this, IF you shoot at full resolution. However, a full-res image is overkill for sending as an e-mail attachment.

So you convert the image to the JPEG format (if it's not a JPEG already) AND size it down to a resolution of about 72 pixels-per-inch. Your imaging program may do this for you in a Save For Web or similar option. Decent imaging programs let you preview your image to see exactly what your recipient will see.

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June 28, 2002


doug Nelson
  Open your photos in your imaging software. For most people, I recommend Adobe Elements.

There will be a screen in your software to size your image. Tell it you want 6" across the long dimension, and it will automatically scale the short side to somewhere around 4.

Excellent choice of a digital camera, BTW. You can get beautiful digital prints from this, IF you shoot at full resolution. However, a full-res image is overkill for sending as an e-mail attachment.

So you convert the image to the JPEG format (if it's not a JPEG already) AND size it down to a resolution of about 72 pixels-per-inch. Your imaging program may do this for you in a Save For Web or similar option. Decent imaging programs let you preview your image to see exactly what your recipient will see.

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June 28, 2002


doug Nelson
  I'm responding to my own answer, because I left something out. Make a file for saving reduced size images, and do a Save AS when you put an image in there.

When you simply Save a conversion to JPEG and 72 ppi, you've thrown out pixels that cannot be recovered.

When you Save For Web, it's essentially a Save As, and your original should be preserved.

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June 28, 2002

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