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Photography Question 

Bill Johnson

Missing Editors Picks

Anybody else find that their EP's dropped from yesterday to today. I lost 7 that I had yesterday but aren't their today.

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November 01, 2014


Bill Johnson

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November 01, 2014

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  I only had one so I had better check.

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November 01, 2014


Bill Johnson
  Although I haven't seen it stated, it may be that the "my editors picks" tool was designed to show those picks during a range of time. I'm hoping someone who knows will tell what that range is if that is the case.

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November 02, 2014

- Val Feldman

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Val Feldman
Val Feldman's Gallery
  Well, I suddenly have the same problem - missing photos. Today's photo that I submitted in "Animals" is gone - just completely gone - doesn't show up in my gallery, nor in today's Animal entries. Three other photos submitted in the month of October and not judged yet are missing also. I've written BP about this and hope to hear from them the meantime, a check of your gallery submits might be a good idea.

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November 02, 2014


Bill Johnson
  Please let us know what you hear from BP tech support.

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November 03, 2014

- Val Feldman

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Val Feldman
Val Feldman's Gallery
  Well, BP Support came thru, as they always seem to do. All three of my missing photos were retrieved and put back into my gallery. Suggest that you write BP Support, Bill and include the photo ID #'s of your missing Editor's Picks. Luckily, as Ken Smith suggests every month in his Countdown
for the previous month, I make a habit to print out my recent contest entries at the end of each month. Easy. then, to get those photo ID #'s to pass on to Support. Good luck, Bill...hope they are able to retrieve yours also.

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November 03, 2014


Bill Johnson
  If I understand you correctly, you lost recently uploaded photos. I'm asking about photos that disappeared from the "my editors picks" display.

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November 03, 2014

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